10 Reasons to Use Nurph for Twitter Chats.

Check out these 10 amazing reasons to use a Nurph Channel for your Twitter Chat.

10) Chat Planning

Log-in to Nurph and schedule a Twitter Chat. Just add the TimeTopicQuestions, and click “Save”. Hey presto, you have a Chat page which you can tweet to your Followers.

9) RSVPs

Do you have a special guest lined-up for your Twitter Chat? Schedule a chat and your guests can RSVP to it. Participants can RSVP too. This helps you to see how many Twitter Users could turn up for your Twitter Chat.

8) Timezone Conversion

If a Twitter User logs-in to Nurph to view your chats, the chat times are automatically converted to the Twitter User’s local timezone. No more messing with World clocks or “Whoops I got the wrong time!” tweets.

7) Super-slick, IM-style Chat

Nurph Channels make it super easy to participate in Twitter Chats. Simply type out your tweet and hit enter to publish it! The hashtag is added automatically, and the tweets stream by as soon as they’re published. This makes conversations flow naturally, just like on instant messaging.

6) Participants Presence & Audience Measurement

Nurph adds a whole new dimension to Twitter Chats. “Presence Features” tell you who and how many people are Online & Participating, and how many are observing from the Audience. The Audience can even include viewers who don’t have a Twitter Account!

5) Question & Topic Highlighting

When your chat is live on air the Topic is highlighted next to an “On Air” indicator. And when you post a new Question it is pinned to the top of the timeline for everyone to see (until the next question comes along, of course!). And when people arrive in late to the Chat they can instantly see what the latest Topic and Questions are!

4) Moderation

Use the moderation features to choose who can chat and who can’t. If there’s tweets that you’d rather not include in chat, type “/block @User” (with @User being a Twitter Username). The tweets from this user will be hidden from the chat timeline.

3) Statistics

Once your chat has occurred, Nurph updates your Chat page with incredible statistics about the chat, includingTotal Tweet Count and Most ReTweeted Tweets. And the Questions asked during the Chat are recorded, along with the number of replies/answers to each one!

2) Past Chats

Your chat events are automatically saved to your “Past Chats” list which your community to browse through at any time. Share your “Past Chats” link with your Twitter Community!

1) Watch Replays!

Once your chat has occurred, Nurph will create a Replay so everyone can re-watch the chat whenever they like. These Chat Replays can be even be tweeted and shared after the chat has occurred! Finally — a way to organise, record, and share Group Twitter Conversations!


Do you like these 10 reasons to use Nurph? Join the likes of #PrintChat#BrandChat#LitChat#AssnChat, and#BoardgameHour: Enter your Nurph Channel and create your first Twitter Chat. Hopefully you’ll love Nurph too.


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