
Why You Should Consider Alternative Methods for Sending Money to the Philippines

21st June 2024

When it comes to sending money to the Philippines, many people often think of traditional methods like banks and well-known remittance services. But hey, we’re living in the 21st century! With technology advancing at lightning speed, there are plenty of alternative methods available that could make your life a whole lot easier. Not only can…

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Make More Money With These Unique Tips

6th June 2024

Whether you’re saving up for a dream vacation, a new gadget, or just looking to pad that savings account, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re diving into some truly unique ways to boost your income. We’re not talking about your typical side gigs or cutting back on lattes (though those can help too).…

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Automating Your Savings: How to Make Saving Money Effortless

4th June 2024

We’ve seen the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. But today, we like to think we’re in a Smart Age! Smartphones, smart TVs, smart cars, smart investing, smart saving – everything we do today is driven by the idea to work smarter, not harder – and digital apps are a prime example…

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Investing For Beginners – How to Grow Your Wealth Safely and Reliably

7th February 2024

It’s been said that you need to spend money in order to make money. This also happens to be the simplest way to explain what investing actually is. You’re putting your cash on the line in the hopes of earning more money. So, why is investing a good use of your money, and how can…

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Five Ways To Improve Your Financial Situation This Year

24th January 2024

There are many reasons why you may be looking to improve your financial situation in 2024. For example, it could be that you are planning a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, launching your own business, or saving to put down a deposit for a home. Either way, it’s impossible to improve your financial standing without actively working towards…

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5 Essential Steps to Create a Personal Finance Budget

21st December 2023

I constructed my most memorable financial plan as a first-year understudy. At 20 years of age, I was liable for additional costs than any time in recent memory, and I wanted a superior method for following my cash. While I realized that recording my costs and checking my records would be useful, I abhorred the…

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5 Tips For Managing Your Small Business Finances

16th June 2023

Small businesses can be started by almost anyone nowadays, so long as you have a plan and a platform to get started – anyone can get a business up and running. With that said, there are still a lot of skills that would be incredibly useful when it comes to running a business. One of…

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How to Reduce Employment Costs without Downsizing

16th January 2023

It can be a minefield trying to figure out how to reduce employment costs without downsizing your business. Economic factors come into play. And there are some concerning issues around at the moment. So, here are some of the most popular methods that can save company money. Hire Foreign Workers Hiring workers from other countries…

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Top 7 Different Types Of Stocks In India Equity Markets

16th November 2022

What Is An Equity Market? A market in which company shares are traded and issued either through over-the-counter markets or exchanges is known as an Equity market. It is also known as the stock market and is one of the most important areas of the market economy. The Top 7 Types Of Stocks In India…

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The Major Forms Of Payment Your Business Should Accept

15th November 2022

It’s a really good idea to make sure that you are accepting as many forms of payment as you can in your business. For one thing, it gives the customer more choice, and that’s always the kind of thing that they appreciate and which boosts your ratings in their eyes. It also helps your business,…

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What’s Clogging Up Your Cash Flow?

15th November 2022

It’s important that you have a steady flow of cash coming in so that you can pay for expenses and make a steady return. Cash flow problems can occur for all kinds of reasons. If you’ve noticed cash flow issues, consider if any of these causes could be to blame. Insufficient customers You should always…

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Budget Wars – Now is the time to make the most of your spend

10th August 2022

Iain Seers is the CEO at RightSpend Iain has over 25 years in the advertising, production and consulting industry, managing various marketing disciplines across different business sectors. At a time where even the UK Government has a view on marketing spend, Iain holds the view that a long term advantage can be gained from analysing…

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