3 Ways to Make Your Facebook Posts Pop in the Newsfeed

With multiple brands participating on Facebook, along with advertisements, friends and an overwhelming amount of information, competition for the attention of your followers is higher than ever.

What do you do in response? Do you accept the fact that not everyone will see what you have to share and continue in your current efforts? Absolutely not. Instead, it’s time to see this dilemma as an opportunity and to move forward. It’s time to make your Facebook posts pop and to start increasing your social exposure today. Check out these three ways to get started.

Provide Entertainment

According to a recent Pew Internet Research study, one of the top reasons people visit Facebook in the first place is to be entertained. In fact, 39% of users cite humorous content as their top reason for visiting the network, regardless of gender, age or any other demographic information.

Knowing this; it’s time to step up. Think of something that somehow relates to your industry and create content with the intent of providing entertainment. Whether you post material that creates laughter, engages customers or touches on something that other brands aren’t, if you’re providing entertainment, you’re likely to get noticed. The more your fans visit your page, the higher you’ll rank in their newsfeeds. The bottom line is that entertainment is an important factor in making a page pop.

Yellow Tail wine is one company playing up to the humor of their followers on Facebook. From wine bottles designed for lefties to tax day jokes, Yellow Tail applies just the right amount of humor to encourage sharing and repeat visits.

Give Something Away

Sometimes it takes some excitement and the chance at a big prize to get people engaged and to help Facebook posts pop. Offer a shot at something free, a prize that is worthwhile, and you’re likely to get noticed. 35% of Facebook users are likely to participate in contests on the network.

Encourage sharing and commenting to enter the contest, and you’re ahead of the game. The more shares and likes a post receives, the higher it will rank in newsfeeds. This is another way to make something pop.

For example, say an Amish furniture store wanted to run a Facebook contest. By putting a piece of furniture up as a prize, and asking fans to like and share the post for an entry, they’re creating content that will have a high interaction rate, along with viral potential. There’s no better way to get some attention.

Provide an Incentive

Sometimes a shot at a prizes just isn’t enough, and a guarantee could work more to your advantage. This requires some thought, and likely, some work up front.

Think about your brand and what you have to offer. Think about your customers. What questions are you asked over and over again? What information are you able to provide that most others – including your competitors – are not able to provide? This is an excellent incentive starting point considering it is responsible for boosting brand interaction by 38%.

Consider creating a digital ebook, a print out, a discount coupon or something else that can only be accessed through your company Facebook page. Not only are you likely to attract traffic – making your shot at showing up increase – you’re also likely to be shared by fans, allowing your information to be displayed in the newsfeeds of your followers.

Red Bull is one company that understands this. By offering interactive video creation options, games and free downloads, the company ensures that its posts are seen in the newsfeeds of its 43 million followers.

Whatever tactic you use, keep it simple and keep thinking forward. The more activity you provide and the more interaction you encourage, the higher your posts will display in newsfeeds. Make your posts pop today.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.