Innovative Ways To Make Your Business More Appealing To Customers

Standing out in a crowded marketplace can be tough, especially for startups and small businesses. If you run a company, and you’re looking to increase sales or attract new customers, it’s essential to ensure that your brand is attractive to prospective clients. In this informative guide, we’ll outline some innovative, effective ways to make your business more appealing to customers. 

Enhance user experience

User experience (UX) has become increasingly important for customers. Many people prioritise quality and price, but they’re also looking to enjoy a positive experience when they go into a store, call a business or visit a website. The experience you provide for your customers can make or break you in terms of closing deals, getting positive reviews or generating sales. UX forms an important part of conversion rate optimisation. If you’re losing customers when they land on your homepage, or you get negative feedback based on the processes involved in browsing pages or completing payments, being proactive in enhancing user experience can help you to boost lead conversion rates. Take comments on board, analyse feedback and reviews, carry out A/B testing and use market research to tailor the experience to suit the target customer. 

Spread positive brand messages

Did you know that more than 80% of consumers now prefer to buy from brands and companies that share their values? Consumers want to purchase high-quality products and get good value for money, but they also have an interest in the brands they buy from. People are more likely to research before buying products and many gravitate towards companies that support good causes or champion initiatives, such as sustainability or conservation. Talk to customers and prospective customers about your brand values and company culture and spread positive messages. Tell people about what you’re doing to support communities, charities or individuals and let customers get to know the human side of the business. 

Social media is a fantastic tool for building relationships. Use stories, posts, reels and video clips to introduce your team, share news of partnerships or projects that benefit others and get your clients and followers involved. You could ask your customers to suggest charities to donate to or nominate good causes, for example.

Add value for your customers

It’s no secret that living costs are rising and people are feeling the squeeze. Now, more than ever, consumers are looking for the best deals. It’s easy to assume that the lowest prices equate to the best offers, but this is not always the case. Value for money is a top priority for customers. People want to feel like they’re getting more for their money and they are often willing to pay more in exchange for better value. Consider two retailers selling the same product. If one charges slightly more but the fee includes next-day shipping and personalisation options, the customer is likely to opt for that offer because they’re getting more. Keep an eye on your competitors and look for ways to add value. Examples may include using high-quality ingredients or materials, offering a discount on the next purchase, including delivery or adding gift wrapping. 

Go the extra mile to provide incredible customer service

If you read reviews, you’ll notice that many of them mention customer service. From hotels, holiday resorts and shops to restaurants and businesses that provide services, including plumbing, hairdressing and dry cleaning, customers judge companies on customer service, as well as the quality of products and services. Incredible customer service will set your brand apart and help you attract more clients via positive reviews and recommendations and referrals. More than 90% of consumers check online reviews. 

To improve customer service, there are lots of steps you can take. Introduce workplace policies, provide staff training and learn from feedback. Take inspiration from businesses that perform well in this field and ensure that your team is contactable. Offer responsive customer support options and treat every customer like a VIP. Offer loyalty rewards, keep in touch with clients and make them feel special. Poor customer service can result in losing customers, even if they love the products you provide. If you run a restaurant, for example, you may find that you only get 2, 3 or 4-star reviews if people have to wait a long time or they feel that the staff was rude, even if the food was exceptional. 

Persuading customers to choose your business over others is a challenge for company bosses. If you’re on a mission to increase sales or find new clients, it’s important to make your brand as appealing as possible. Use market research to get to know your target customer, be proactive in enhancing user experience and spread positive brand messages. Add value for your customers and go above and beyond to provide excellent customer service.


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