So you took the plunge and paid out a fairly hefty whack to get up to date online. A beautiful website which will be the introduction to your company. Good job, a lot of companies tend to overlook their website, thinking that simply having one is enough. It isn’t. You need to make sure your online presence is as stunning as your product, your service and your retail store or office.
The problem is, you aren’t really seeing much productivity. You have no increase in social media followers, you haven’t made any sales off the back of it and you don’t appear to be getting that many hits when you check the site admin.
This could be because your website and social media are active, but pretty static. It’s easy to fall into this trap when you are busy running a business, however there is very little point in spending money and time on your digital marketing, if you aren’t going to see any return.
The first place to start is to ask yourself if you are engaging your clients. If you have a website but you don’t have any active social media then you need to get on it, fast. The website is your shop, social media is like the man outside calling in the customers. Set up on Twitter and Facebook first and once you have the hang of it, or have built up a good following, look at using Instagram, Snapchat, Periscope or YouTube. This will give your company a personality and help clients feel they know you. It will also encourage those with an interest in your industry to engage with you, which will spread the word even further.
If you are already doing that but not seeing much impact on your website then you may consider going back to your website designer. It’s likely they are using another company to support your site so ensure they are using the best reseller hosting who are helping to boost your sites SEO. Get some advice on this too, the wording you use throughout your web content will help get your site further up in google rankings which will mean people searching certain keywords are more likely to stumble across your site.
Finally you could think about holding a launch party. It may sound a bit dramatic but a local event offering free nibbles and a little bit of booze, to promote it’s new swanky website sounds like something a lot of local journalists and influential bloggers might get excited about. So find a cool venue, work out who to invite and then hold a quick evening to impress potential clients. Word of mouth is your best friend so networking is key.
Don’t assume that just because your site is there and looks awesome that is the end of the job. You need to give people a reason to see it and keep them coming back. Keep your news section up to date with interesting articles and think about using a content company to supply you with engaging articles.