A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter Lead Generation Cards.

Twitter lead generation cards are a great way to advertise on Twitter and gain leads from interested parties. Here is our beginners guide to setting one up.

Start by logging into Twitter, then select the settings button in the top right of the screen and click on Twitter Ads.

This will then take you through to the Twitter Ads screen, here you want to select ‘Creatives’ from the top options and then ‘Cards’.

You will then be asked to create your first Lead Generation Card. Click this box.

You will now be given the fields in which to enter your information for your Lead Generation Card. As you enter the information the Card will populate on the right so you can see what it might look like.

We also recommend adding an image to your card, to do this click the upload button. Image size is a minimum of 600 pixels wide by 150 tall, with a file size of 1mb or less. IF your image is correct then you will see the four green ticks like below.

Once you have entered in your desired text you will also need to add in where your data privacy policy is shown on your website. Along with the fallback URL of where your users can visit after they have submitted their details. This is great to give the user more information.

Also give your card a name for future reference.

Once you have finished you will be asked to create your card and then to compose a tweet to accompany it.

Compose your tweet in the box. You also have the choice to add paid promotion to the tweet should you wish. Then when you’re ready click Tweet!

Here is how the finished Tweet will look on desktop Twitter. This is what your audience will see.

If your audience clicks more information they will be asked to share their email address.

Once they have entered their details they will be greeted by a thank you message (as specified by you in set up), the ‘Click Here’ link is the Fallback URL.

Here is a look at the Tweet on the mobile version of Twitter.

Once your card has been Tweeted you can log back in at any time to see how many leads it has generated.  To download them click the downward pointing arrow. Keep checking back to see if you have gained more, and why not run the card again with another Tweet in the future.

It is possible to integrate you card with specific email providers and CRM systems in the set up, if not you receive a handy spreadsheet with all the info like below!

Happy lead generating!


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.