Our X (Twitter) Account has been stolen:
After 14 years of using Twitter and now X and gaining over 50,000 followers and sharing 1,000’s of posts, one morning we tried to log in to our account and found it that it had been stolen from us. We’d just had an office meeting and were considering using X Ads by coincidence! Fear not…
Read MoreYuri Milner’s Vision for Humanity in Eureka Manifesto
In 2021, billionaire Yuri Milner released his first book: Eureka Manifesto: The Mission for Our Civilisation. His compelling non-fiction work explores the quest for understanding and offers a new perspective on science, artificial intelligence (AI), and humanity’s future. Humanity’s Mission Primarily, Eureka Manifesto is about Milner’s conviction that humanity needs a mission. Many organisations have…
Read MoreThe Crucial Aspects Of Setting Up A Theatre Company
Setting up any kind of business can be demanding. However, when your business is unconventional compared to the majority, it can come with some additional complexities and challenges that you need to expect. As much of a passion project as it can be, this goes for starting your own theatre and theatre company, as well.…
Read More3 Maintenance Tips For Your Business Property
There are so many things that business owners must think about when running a business. Apart from the everyday operations, you must also focus on ensuring that your business structure is safe and comfortable for you, your employees, and your customers. That’s why you must always ensure that your work property is always in good…
Read MoreHow To Get Copyright For A Game
by Chloé Vertigen https://www.briffa.com/key-practice-area/copyright/ Copyright is essential for video game developers. It protects their work alongside trademarks and other rights. But What is Copyright? Copyright is an unregistered intellectual property right that protects artistic works such as artwork, music, and literary works. It is an automatic right, so developers don’t need to do anything as…
Read MorePayroll Charity Giving: A Guide For Small Businesses
We would all like to do more to help the causes we care about, and when it comes to making charitable donations a lot of us may feel we don’t donate frequently enough. But did you know there is a way for you as a small business owner to offer a scheme where you and…
Read MoreHow To Use Vehicle Advertising: Number Plates, Stickers & More
If you own a business and use a vehicle or fleet of vehicles to carry out your professional responsibilities, there are lots of ways you can turn this to your advantage from a marketing perspective. Of course if you have yet to leverage your automotive resources as a platform for advertising your services and building…
Read MoreChanging Locations: Benefits To Working Abroad
Are you working in the country you grew up in? For many this is absolutely fine as long as there are plenty of opportunities to work in the industry they love. With opportunities to move up on the career ladder and also earn a great salary, the fine location you work in doesn’t really matter…
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