Erasing the past: digital-style

Do you ever do or say something and later think, oh my god if only I could take that back? Well in real-life you can’t unfortunately, not yet anyway… But on Facebook it’s easy – all you need to do is access your Activity Log!

What is Activity Log?

In Facebook’s words, “Your activity log is a tool that lets you review and manage what you share on Facebook. Only you can see your Activity Log.”

To access Activity Log:

  • Go to your profile
  • Click on the Activity Log button (this is located on top of your Cover Photo – in the right hand corner)
The Activity Log button is located over your Cover Photo

You will be taken to your Activity Log. Here, you will see a list of all the actions you have taken on Facebook, including:

  • Pages/posts/photos/URLs/status updates you have Liked
  • Posts you have commented on
  • Posts/status updates/photos you have posted
  • Comments you have posted
  • Events you have RSVPed to

Using Activity Log

Your Facebook Activity log is organised chronologically. You can filter your stories by selecting one of the options on the left hand menu bar, ie “Your posts” “Posts by Others” “Posts you’re tagged in.”

Filtering your Activity log

Next to each activity you will see either one or two options:

  1. Audience – this icon indicates who can see that story. For example, it might indicate that the post you Liked is visible to the Public, or that the comment you made was within a Group that you belong to. From this you can determine who can see what you have done.
  2. Timeline Visibility – this gives you the control over which stories appear on your Timeline. By clicking on the “edit” pencil, you have the option to Unlike that photo, delete that comment or hide that event from your Timeline. If the activity is something you have posted (ie a status update) you can adjust the privacy settings for that post here (note this can also be done on your Timeline)

This is also where you can remove your search history (stalkers rejoice!) –

  • Click “Search” from the left hand side menu bar (you may need to click “More” to see the “Search” option)
  • You will see a list of everything you have searched for on Facebook (scary, huh!) – but don’t worry, no one can see this but you!
  • To remove a search item, click the “Remove” button located next to it

 References/More Information: 


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.