How To Decrease Staff Turnover

When you own a business, it can be disheartening to find that you have a high staff turnover. You might wonder why people keep leaving and it can hit on a bit of a personal level. Yet rather than dwell on it, it’s essential to look deeper into why it might be happening and improve things so that people don’t leave quite so easily. After all, having a regular and solid workforce is key for being productive and improving the way your company operates. In this post we explore some reasons that staff might leave a company and what you can do to help keep them on board.

Find out why people are leaving and tailor your business practices accordingly

Once you have realised that people are leaving, the first thing you need to find out is why this is. It could be a coincidence, could be the job market, or it might be to do with something within the company. Be sure to conduct an exit interview with everyone who leaves, finding out their reasons and if they have any suggestions for what you can do going forward. You can also speak to existing employees or send out a satisfaction survey to find out their current thoughts and see if there is anything you can do to change what is going wrong.

Offer better facilities to help them do their jobs

The fact of it is that the better facilities and software you provide your staff with, the more motivated they will be. By adding in things such as field service management software that can help their jobs be more efficient and easy, they will know you not only value their time and effort but also do what you can to assist.

Run team building days

A team that works well together is much better than those that don’t know each other or work well as a unit. To help this, run team building days where they can get to know not only those in their own department, but also those in other departments too. By having everyone know each other well they will be more likely to help each other out when needed and collaborate better on projects. There are many team building days you can try from escape rooms to cocktail making or sports days. These all help build rapport.

These are just a few things you can do to help decrease staff turnover. You might be surprised at just how quickly things can improve once you start making even a few small adjustments to the way your business is run. By running team building days and providing better facilities, staff will feel more appreciated and the morale will be higher. They will want to stay and have that sense of comradeship and feel as though you care about them and their wellbeing at work. 


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