How to Make Sure You’re Using Social Media in a Healthy Way

In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it is more important than ever to make sure you are using social media in a healthy way. That means being aware of the risks and taking steps to protect yourself from them.

This goes for individuals and businesses alike. No matter what you are doing on social media, you need to feel assured that you are doing the best thing for you and what you post.

Some users have it to connect with people, whilst others are looking at starting up a small business from these platforms.

They have gone through the process of starting up their very own company, used digital marketing professionals, liaised with designers, and even checked out the best site to buy Instagram followers on if they so need. They have put a lot of thought into getting this going.

Despite the fact that this can be an exciting time for many, it can also be a bit daunting and a scary process, as people are opening themselves up to what is out there.

Whether that be random people trying to insult you online to businesses being spammed and copied by others.

If you are planning to set up an account, you may want to take a look at these tips down below to help you stay safe and secure online, so you do not feel like you want to run away at the first sign of upset.

Be aware of the risks

There are a number of risks associated with social media use, including cyberbullying, identity theft, and exposure to inappropriate content. It is important to be aware of these risks and take steps to protect yourself from them.

You can set up filters to filter out horrible words that have been used against you before, as well as put a block on random people contacting you or adding you into a group.

These can be beneficial for the individual as well as for a business, as they can stop your messages from being filled with spam messages that could cover up actual queries.

Do not share personal information

One of the best ways to protect yourself from identity theft and other risks is to be careful about what personal information you share on social media. That includes things like your full name, address, birth date, and Social Security number.

Keep these away from your page and use an altered name or pseudonym. With a business, you will need to set up an email address not linked with your personal one so all inquiries can go straight to your business folder and deter anyone from finding your personal email.

Be thoughtful about what you post

Think carefully before you post anything on social media. Once something is online, it is hard to take back. That means you should avoid posting anything that could be seen as harmful, derogatory, or offensive.

A business will definitely need to make sure that this happens, as one slip-up can cause a massive storm with customers, followers, fans, etc. boycotting your company. It is not okay to be offensive or to target individuals.

You need to set yourself to a high standard.

Use privacy settings

Most social media platforms offer some form of privacy protection, which can help you control who sees your information and what they can do with it. Be sure to take advantage of these settings to help keep yourself safe online.

You can set some profiles to a business account if it applies, this will change your account from a personal one to a professional one which will give you a different type of control.

Always go over your privacy settings before promoting your social media accounts to make sure you have put the proper barriers in place and no personal information is accessible.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that you are using social media in a healthy and safe way.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.