How to write the perfect Blog

The perfect blog can certainly give you many rewards, but with thousands if not millions of blogs and news content being shared online daily it is important that you make sure yours gets seen.

Writing is in fact a skill and not everyone will be good at it. Putting together something that people will read and act upon will also test your marketing skills.

Writing the perfect blog will depend on many things not necessarily just what you write about, here we take a look at some key tips to help you start writing more effective blogs:

“Places in London serving Free Prosecco”

  • Hook people in with a great title. What exactly the blog will be offering the reader will be summed up in the title, if it is tempting enough then people will open it up or read on… A dull title that does not engage browsers will simply be passed on which means all your hard work writing the blog has gone to waste! You should look to pull people in when naming your blog, think ‘Places in London serving Free Prosecco‘ over ‘10 Places in London where you can order Free Prosecco re-fills‘. Keep your headline short, to the point and sexy and very much what is in it for the reader!

  • WOW people with photos. Being a great blog writer will also mean you have a good eye for images also be it your own photos or those you chose to use online ie paid for or royalty free. An engaging and eye catching lead image is what many people will see alongside the blog title and especially on the likes of social media where emphasis is put on images. Surveys show us that faces especially smiling ones will grab people’s attention as well as images having headlines within them. Make sure your image is high enough quality not to appear pixelated or becomes cropped because it is incorrectly sized thus missing out key elements.

“93,000 litres of beer are lost in facial hair each year in the UK alone”

  • Share interesting facts / survey results. People love to know what is going on currently and also to be surprised and amazed. A great way to show authority to your writing is to back things up with some facts and ideally something which raises eyebrows. Maybe you are writing a blog about facial hair styling for men, an example fact you could share is: “93,000 litres of beer are lost in facial hair each year in the UK alone” credit to MentalFloss.
  • Be helpful. When you write your blog then try to help your readers as much as possible by containing relevant links to any how to style topics such as: “There are many ways in which you can gain grants for your small business, start your search of here with business finance support on the official government website“.
  • Spelling and properly punctuate. Try to make sure you use a spell check and / or read over the work you have produced to eliminate any errors. A good idea is to re-read your blog after you have taken a short break for sometimes you can be blind to obvious errors!
  • Tell people about your blog! Do not leave it to chance that you will be found, tell as many people as you can that you have written your latest blog. Social media and your email lists are great starting points to share your content with.


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