Ways To Save Money In The 9-5 Work Week

According to the latest figures, workers are £800 a year poorer than they were ten years ago, while the costs of living have kept rising. And while most full time workers without familial commitments are able to make ends meet, a quarter of adults have no savings.  

Due to the fact that poor finances can lead towards senses of insecurity and unhappiness, the importance of financial wellbeing is something we should give serious consideration to when trying to maintain good general mental health and wellbeing.

Many of the factors that contribute to our lack of financial wellbeing are due to forces out of our immediate control, such as the fluctuation of the economy, our familial responsibilities or unforeseen events in our lives.

So, while some of our money saving tips are by no means a guaranteed route to financial wellbeing, trying these ways to save money will bring about rewards that include getting more value for your money.

Here are a few small tweaks you can make to your daily routine that will help you get more out of your money, possibly grow your savings account and give you more confidence and flexibility when deciding how to budget your weekly spending.

Money saving tips for the 9-5 worker

Cycle to work

If you’ve never considered cycling to be a serious form of transport, you’re standing right on the edge of changing the way you commute forever.

In fact, the UK’s busiest bus route, Manchester’s Oxford Road, recorded a high of over 5000 cyclists using the new protected cycleway each day, meaning this form of transport is growing in popularity, and for obvious reasons.

Not only is cycling to work free, it will also benefit your physical wellbeing and reduces your footprint on the environment compared to public transport and privately-owned cars.

Cycling to work may not be possible for people who live a fair distance away from their workplace, but this has not stopped cycling enthusiasts who cycle many miles to stay fit and reach their destinations feeling energised.


Save eating out for special occasions

Eating at restaurants at lunch or dinner time is a sure way to spend a significant amount of your money on food. Even affordable restaurants have to factor in food preparation costs and turn a profit, which is what you’ll be saving money on if you cook your own meals.

Most restaurants want dining with them to be a unique, indulgent experience and they typically don’t hold back on sugar, salt and fat so cooking at home will also give you some agency over your intake of nutrients and physical wellbeing.

Cook from scratch

Ingredients that have not been processed tend to be much cheaper than ready-made meals or even simple things like pre-chopped onions. Preparing your ingredients yourself is a simple task and can be a good way to unwind after work.

Take packed lunches to work

By taking your own lunch to work, you won’t have to spend money on food at a café or shop. Cooking your evening meals in bigger quantities will help save time spent cooking and make taking lunch to work the following day almost effortless.

Buying multiple packs of fruit, crisps, cheese, nuts or anything you would like to snack on alongside your home cooked meals will stop you from getting too hungry between meals and splashing out on a big lunch.


And last but not least, budget. Plan your monthly spending down to your daily spending allowance and try your best not to go over it.

This can be achieved more easily now than ever, with technology making tracking money significantly easier. Plenty of mobile apps exist that allow you to track your spending daily, and reviewing your outgoings at the end of every month can make you aware of where all the money is going.


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