Why Is No One Visiting Your Website?

So you’ve set up a website for your business? Excellent! That’s one of the smartest, most important steps that you can take for getting word of your business out there. The problem is, it doesn’t seem to be drawing many visitors. Your website is just sitting there, unused and unloved. This can be one of the most frustrating experiences when you’re running a business. Why is no one visiting, and engaging with your website? Fortunately, the answer may not be as complicated as you might think. In fact, your problem could come down to one of a few extremely simple things.


Human beings are a visual species. We’re designed to be drawn in by things that look nice. As sad as it might sound, it doesn’t matter what your website has to offer, if it looks terrible, nobody’s going to care. Make sure that the presentation of your website is of a high, professional quality. Possibly consider hiring a web designer to create the best possible site. On the other hand, there are plenty of services that allow you to use professional templates to base your site on. If you want inspiration for how to improve the presentation of your site, look at the most successful companies today. Apple, for example, is an excellent example of how to use simple, elegant design to their advantage.


You could have the best website on the internet, but it’s going to to make any difference if no one can find it. If people want to find a service or a website, then they are going to use a search engine to do so. This is why every website needs to have high-quality SEO. You used to be able just to stick as many keywords as possible into your posts, and that would bring you up in the search engine rankings, but these days the algorithms used by services like Google have become far more advanced. They actually blacklist websites that overload their content with keywords. It’s important to make sure that you’re well versed in modern SEO techniques, but if you don’t have the time or the skills to do that then consider outsourcing to a service like SEO Hero. That way you can build up your site’s ranking without giving up all of your time.


One of the biggest stumbling blocks that business comes up against is retaining customer attention to their website. They might have been able to find the site; it might have grabbed their attention at first. But if it doesn’t include high quality, engaging content then customers are pretty likely just to click off to something else. You need to make sure that the content on your website is well written and free of any spelling and grammatical errors. Not only that but it needs to be able to communicate quickly with any visitors to the site. People have short attention spans online so you need to make sure that you can grab them within just a few lines.



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