5 Great Ways to Reach Your Target Market.

For some of the folks who have chosen a niche or have one in mind, one of the biggest misunderstandings is how you actually reach your target audience throughout the marketing process from face to face business networking to social media. This can definitely be something that holds a real estate agent back from really mastering their niche.

How you reach your audience is going to depend on who your target market is, but here are a few avenues to think about if you are looking to get in front of your ideal audience.

1) Attend Networking Events, Social Gatherings And Organization Meetings
Being where your niche market is can be critical. Where do they spend time? Do they run in certain circles? Are they involved in certain organizations, committees and social circles? What better way to get in front them than actually getting “in front of them”! Get on your cocktail dress and go mix and mingle!

2) Offer To  Speak Or Do Some Personalized Training

If you are focusing on a niche and have a specific skill set, why not reach out and offer to share what you know with groups. Offer to present a short talk or formal presentation. Make sure you are adding value for them and they will be incredibly thankful. This is a strategy I have used for my consulting and training business on a regular basis.  By doing this type of training you give them a taste of what you know, while positioning yourself as the expert in your niche. In most cases you will have people interested in working with you if you provide enough value to them.

3) Present A Free Teleclass Or Webinar


If you aren’t comfortable teaching a class in front of people in “real life”, a teleseminar or webinar can be a very effective alternative (Not only for you, but for your target audience). By offering a no cost, no hassle seminar, you can attract more ideal clients without ever leaving your home or office. And they don’t have to leave theirs! This is a fantastic way to build your database, position yourself as the expert and add value to your clients. If you get good enough, you can even eventually start charging and make some extra income.

4) Target Your Advertising

With the growth of the internet, the “inner circles” of niches have grown. The internet has allowed people to connect in greater depths and in much quicker ways. Why not target your advertising to the places, groups, publications etc., which they are already involved with. This is also available offline. Try advertising in trade publications, targeted advertising mediums or geographic based advertising outlets.

5) Start Your Own Blog


Just as you are reading this, your ideal client could be reading a weekly (or daily) insight from you! The idea of blogging for business isn’t a new one, but it works time and time again if done correctly. You are able to provide insight and valuable information to your ideal audience and allow them to digest it on their own time and pace. The other benefit of a blog is it gives you an even greater chance of being seen as the expert at the same time as building you an online presence that can help you attract more clients online (for free!)


If you are worried about taking on too much and don’t know what to do, I suggest trying ONE of these and see how it goes. Get out of your comfort zone and in front of your target audience and you will be amazed at what the right efforts can accomplish.

If you haven’t chosen your niche yet and would like some insight on some fantastic niche ideas, be sure to check out our free eBook available immediately for download atwww.TheNicheAgent.com/eBook Get your copy today!


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.