Twitter tools part2: Make Tweeting Easy.

Tweeting is easy. Now when you know how to know better your audience and manage followers, lets focus on tweeting. I’m not saying its not. But if you want to manage your brand profile or personal brand you want to make this properly. This will take your time. When you’re not social media marketer (name it as you want ;)) you don’t have so much time to focus both on Social Media and running your brand. This tools will not only save your time, but also will give you opportunity to manage your profile better. Why this tools are REALLY useful? You will see more (stats), save time (sheduling) and improve your tweets (link shortening).

Even when you want to manage your private account, this tools will help you to get better effect. Lets start!

1. – link shortening

Maybe you know this tool yet, but do you really know all features of this simply tool? will not only help you to shorten your links, but show you statistics also. You will see how many times your link was clicked or saved, clicks chart and some other stats about your links.

What else you can do with your account?

  • Use WordPress plugin to shorten links from your sharing plugin. People who will share link from your site will get shorter link. Why it’s important? Imagine your SEO friendly link have 80 chars and ‘via @yourname’ another 20. Your ‘sharer’ will have left only 40 chars.
  • Use API to link to your Twitter managing tools. You can connect your account to Tweetdec, Seesmic or Twitterfeed accounts to see your link stats there!
  • Create your own short domain and link it to your account like Amazon did – (you will need your domain name first).
  • Use Chrome extension or bitmarklet for other browsers to easier and faster shorten your links.
  • Connect multiple twitter accounts to your single account.
  • Use iOS App to short your links straight from your smartphone.

2. Buffer app – shedule your posts!

If you don’t heard yet about Buffer, now it’s the best moment to try this great tool. What’s Buffer? Buffer is simply but powerful tool which you can use to shedule your tweets (also facebook) posts. You can create sheduling calendar for whole week, deciding on which hours your tweets will be tweeted or individually set time you want your tweets to be post. Buffer have also great iOS App.

That’s not all. Buffer will show you great statistics about your tweets like: number of retweets, favorites, mentions (reply) and potential audience (your followers number + if you get retweets it will add this tweeps audience number). You can link your account too, Buffer will shorten your links for you. If you’re managing your company account, you can add other members to your account. Upgrating account you will be able to add multiple Twitter accounts and another social networks.

Do I need to shedule my posts? If you want to stay in contact with you customers in working hours, probably you need. If you want to target another time zone you will probably need Buffer too. This tool is also great just to see your tweets statistics, Buffer will show you your Top tweets and even more. But remember – post sheduling is only an option, it shouldn’t be your one and only method to reach your audience. Don’t forget that Social Media is not only about posting, but also engaging, responding to questions and making real human interactions!

3. Twitterfeed

Another post sheduling tool, but in this time you can Tweet your articles straight from your blog using feedThis tool will let you to automatically Tweet (also post on FB) your blog content or blog you choose (I not recommend this). You can also track how your tweets are doing – measure clicks and other important statistics. Setting you profile is easy and takes only three steps 😉

What else you will find in settingsYou can set your post prefix or suffix (for example ‘via @name’ or ‘RT’ in front), set update frequency (how often twitterfeed will check for new stuff), what to include in post – title&description or one of them), you can use link shortener (many to choose) and other less important settings. When using this tool, don’t forget that your Twitter profile shouldn’t look like one big wall of “title&link”. Post sometimes your own thoughts, even with your article link. Engage with others, ask questions etc. Don’t look like a spam bot on Twitter. People don’t like this!

I hope you enjoyed my article and get some useful tips 😉 If you liked it – share and follow me on Twitter – @Karaszewsky 😉


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