Top tips for using #Twitter for your business.

This post in our ‘top tips’ series looks at Twitter and how you can be using it most effectively for your business.  Our previous posts on YouTubeLinkedInPinterest and Facebook have been well-received and I hope you find this one just as useful.

Connect with others on Twitter and grow your network.  Start to follow people, you don’t need to know them in person, but if they are of interest to you then get connected to them.  Some
Twitter accounts that you could search for are other experts in your industry, businesses selling complimentary products or services to you, customers, potential customers, competitors and local accounts.

Use the hashtag to highlight key words within your tweet.  You can make a hashtag up  yourself and if someone is searching for that, then it will appear in their search.  You can also use well-known, industry or trending hashtags if you would like to get involved in   conversations which are already happening. When you create a hashtag, it will turn in to a link.  If you click on the link, this will take you to all other conversations using this hashtag.

Use the search bar at the top of Twitter to find connections or search for conversations.
By typing in a hashtag, the results will show all tweets and accounts containing that hashtag.  By searching words without a hashtag, the results will show all tweets and accounts
containing those words, whether they are hashtagged or not.

What to post
Twitter is most definitely not for the hard sell and you should not be posting about your business all the time.  Post about things relevant to your business, for example, things
happening in your industry, events, blog posts others have written and get involved in conversations to which you can add value.

Use your 140 characters
Every tweet allows you 140 characters to say what you want to say.  When tweeting, try to
be social and include others in the tweet if possible.  For example, if you are talking about someone else or referencing them e.g. by talking about a blog they have posted, tag them in it.  Post links in your tweets if appropriate so people can engage with what you have said. Use hashtags so that if people are searching for something related to what you have said then they can pick up on your conversation.

Some of the tips above were included in my talk on how to increase your Twitter presence at Women Outside The Box festival.  To find out more about our time at the festival have a look at our blog post. If you attended my Twitter workshop – let me know what you took away from it below…

Did you know we can help you with your Twitter presence?  If you would like to have a free consultation, get in contact with us today to see how we could benefit your business.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.