Blogging for your business: Where to start?

I had a colleague come up to me the other day asking what all this blogging palaver was about? Well let me tell you if you knew that having an active blog on your website could generate 67% more leads per month you’d think again.

Having a blog allows you to develop quality content for your readers and may even turn them into potential customers. Blogging is a great way for your consumers to develop an insight into your business, products and even your company culture; helping you to build positive customer relationships.

I must add that with this in mind and the constant changes of our consumer mindsets there is now a huge impact on the way we find, consume and share content online. The need for real time information has overwhelmed our marketing plans and blogging has become an essential element to producing quality content online.

If your business is struggling to find their feet in the blogging world these beginners tips might help you:

Find your tone of voice – There’s a difference between blogging for your business and blogging personally. For many companies your blogs will be directed to advice and tips for your consumers so keep in mind that you’re writing for the brand and its business aims.

Know your audience – Who are you blogging for? What are they interested in? When are they online? These are all types of questions you should be asking yourself before you start blogging. It’s important you know your audience inside out and can provide them with the information they are looking for.

Plan your content – I believe there is no right or wrong way to blogging, a lot of it is experimentation and will continue to be as your consumers change behaviour online. I find having a blog planner is useful though as it helps me plan in content and topics I want to write about, giving me time to produce regular content.

Be quick of the mark – Not all your blog content can be planned. It’s good to be prepared for a reactive situation or any sudden PR activity that you’ll need to produce blog content for. For example, you may need to blog during key seasons/events throughout the year.

Keywords and phrases – When you’re blogging it’s important to use the keywords and phrases that your customers are searching. Google Analytics can help you out here. Remember it’s not about going over board but sticking to the key topics that matter to your audience, even if you blog about these on a regular basis your search keywords will naturally increase.

Blog regularly – If you’re going to blog make sure you do it regularly, once or twice a week is enough for most businesses but you may find this is different for you and your audience. Keeping your blog up to date with regular unique content can increase your search engine ranking and help you build a solid readership.

Social share – Adding social share icons to the top of your blog posts can help your blog reach thousands, if you’re readers like it they will share it. Also, don’t forget to share your blog posts on your social networks too, add catchy phrases and pictures to entice your audience to click through.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.