
Make Your Business Securer With These Simple Steps

28th December 2016

All business owners want their companies to be safe and secure. Not only does this benefit their employees’ personal safety, but it also means that there is no risk that any sensitive information or data that you handle in the office will be lost or stolen. So there is no wonder that many businesses and…

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Why Van Santen Network is wishing everyone a harmonious 2017

23rd December 2016

It’s a Van Santen Network tradition to send the world a themed inspirational Christmas wish each year. Owner Christian van Santen feels that ‘connecting’ is more important than ever in the coming year: “Together, we can achieve more.” Van Santen Network would like to wish you all a harmonious 2017. To reinforce that message, we’ve…

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Conference Training and What You Need to Know

22nd December 2016

A fantastic way to improve the capability in the workplace is to provide training courses. The benefits for both your company and your employees includes factors such as, Improvement standards and quality of work, planning out the targets and goals for the company and being able to efficiently acknowledge the adjustment to change. With training…

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Taking Your Business Digital Doesn’t Have To Be Quite So Overwhelming

20th December 2016

Nowadays, digital is the way to go. Between accessing the power of the internet and using the connectivity of business networks, it’s fast becoming true that you can’t afford to not establish some sort of tech component in your business. But we know how the idea of getting into tech can be intimidating to new…

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Reducing The Amount Of Cogs In The Wheel: Maximizing Staff Productivity With Simple Tools

5th December 2016

The work of a startup is never done, is it? When a business is only so large, it can feel that it is teetering on the brink sometimes. As the business increases its scope, it needs to cope with more demands being thrust upon it. And one of the factors that are generally overlooked in…

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How To Hit Your Logistics On The Head

29th November 2016

When you first started your business, I’m sure your logistics process was easy enough to pin down. You probably didn’t have that many orders to process, and your shipping process probably didn’t involve much more than packing the item, printing off a label and sending it off. Once your operation has grown enough though, things…

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How Could Inflation Affect Your Business

24th November 2016

According to leading think tank, the National Institute for Economic and Social Research, UK inflation will quadruple to about 4% in the second half of 2017. Many shoppers will already have noticed that the price their weekly shop has been increasing, with Marmite, Typhoo, and other food manufacturers admitting that they have had to raise…

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Saudi Arabia Looks to Diversify Economy After Oil Prices Fall

23rd November 2016

Saudi Arabia is looking to reform its economy as part of an ambitious new plan entitled Vision 2030. The country’s economic growth is at its slowest in three years, and could even approach by zero by the end of the year. At the moment, oil makes us 87% of Saudi Arabia’s earnings, but due to…

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Retaining staff in a Competitive Environment

18th November 2016

It does not really matter where you are based in the world, marketing is a very competitive industry. The fact that businesses can hire a marketer from other countries means that you are competing with literally thousands of other marketing firms for business. If you fail to deliver, you can lose work literally overnight. You…

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Pssst! The Secret To Business Success Lies With Your Office!

7th November 2016

Achieving business success will depend on many factors. Among which, your office is a big one. The importance of a good office shouldn’t go unrecognised. It can help boost your business in so many ways. Today, I have a list of things to consider when searching for the best office possible. I’ve included reasons why…

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Managing a Team: What Real Leaders Must do in a Business Environment

7th November 2016

If you’re responsible for managing a team, it’s a task you should take very seriously. In the world of business, leaders matter a lot. Without them at the helm, things would turn to chaos pretty quickly. You need to fully understand the role of a leader if you are going to get the job done…

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How Office Design Affects Morale

4th November 2016

It’s no longer a secret that the look, feel and design of an office affects how workers feel, which in turn has an impact on their morale and productivity. If you have any concerns about the way your premises may be making your employees feel, then the good news is that you don’t have to…

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