Covering Your Bases: The Simplest Ways To Market To A Customer Directly

Marketing is such a vast beast, that if you think that your website is the one true way to get yourself across to a customer, you are very much mistaken! Appealing to a customer is all about that sense of intimacy, but also sparking that emotional need for them to buy your product. Marketing to a customer is all about that rapport, which can be very difficult in the modern age due to the abundance of impersonal technology. But with this in mind, let’s provide you with some methods that can get to the heart of what you are trying to achieve.


Create An App

Get in their pocket! While you might think that creating an app is a long-winded approach, you can learn more here about the basic information on Android app development. Suffice to say, it doesn’t take too long to develop an app. And if you’re looking for a way to make life easier for the customer, but also have a hand in connecting with them directly, an app is one of the best methods. A lot of people stay away from it, thinking it’s overly complex, but as every business knows, if you want to compete with the abundance of competition out there, an app is one of the first things that you need to do!


Encourage Reviews

Directly engaging with customers on social media is something that everybody does now, but if you really want to help manage expectations, especially when they have problems, you’ve got to have your ear to the ground in terms of the reviews. By expanding the number of reviews, especially when starting out, you can make a very good first impression. A lot of people now go down the disingenuous method of creating fake reviews, but they are very easily debunked now. Creating a call to action to your customers by asking them to review a product can be a simple reminder that they can boost your product and business infinitely.


Be Helpful

It’s all about providing that need from the perspective of the customer. Helping them can be done by either giving them the product they need, offering amazing customer service, but in terms of marketing, you can use a blog as a way to engage with customers. A blog can be personable, intimate, but also creates a more human impression of the business. It’s a perfect way to inspire interaction with a customer. Or, on the other hand, you could do a video blog, a podcast, or anything that reaches out to a prospective audience. Either way, being helpful and giving the customer what they need is not just a one-time deal. It’s a constant relationship that you have to nurture. Email marketing campaigns work to an extent, but as it’s very one-sided, you’re not inspiring that interaction.


Marketing to a customer directly isn’t just about bombarding them with personalised ads, but it’s about stoking the fires and encouraging them to speak to you. In this way, you’ve got to go for simple methods. Whether it’s an app that makes life easier for them, asking them to tell you what they really think about you, or by you offering them help, you’ve got all the bases covered.



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