Dear Unemployed Grad, Get Hired Using Social Media!

What can’t we find on the Web? From researching for your final psychology paper to finding job opportunities, the Web is the ultimate resource for finding information on well, anything. Employers also rely on the Web for information–information being you. They’re using social networking sites as recruitment tools for learning about potential candidates.

College students are used to feeling invincible. You’ve managed to graduate with your double major on time with honors, despite countless nights partying. You survived a wild spring break in Cancun that would give your mother nightmares if she knew the details. However, now as a college grad who’s embarking on a bright future with a promising career, you – and your Facebook – are no longer invincible.

Recruitment Tools

It’s called “social recruiting,” and in the words of recruiting platform Jobvite, “anyone not leveraging social referrals is behind the curve.” Ninety-four percent of recruiters use (or plan to use) social media for recruiting purposes, according to the 2013 Social Recruiting Survey Results. 78 percent of recruiters have hired a candidate using a social network, including LinkedIn (92 percent), Facebook (24 percent) and Twitter (14 percent). Yes, your future employer is relying on your LinkedIn page and Facebook timeline to make a professional assessment, see if you’re a cultural fit and determine if you’ll benefit the company’s bottom line. Recruiters had planned to invest in social networks as a recruiting resource in 2013 by 73 percent – a higher investment than referrals, corporate career sites, and job boards. LinkedIn is the top social network for recruiting (94 percent) and Facebook follows in second (65 percent).

Social Media Maintenance

Landing an interview and getting hired requires some social media maintenance. Groom your social networking profile by building an online brand and turning it into your lovemark. Lovemarks are brands that command both respect and love, describes digital marketing company iAcquire. If your personal brand expresses passion and loyalty, you’ll engage and create an emotional connection with your audience (employers). Use your lovemark to persuade recruiters that you’re dedicated to the industry and will prove to be an asset to the company.

Start with a professional headshot on your LinkedIn profile so recruiters can connect a name with a face. Your picture serves as your first impression. Your Facebook and Instagram account are expected to be more casually social and less professional, but keep your content and photos clean, advises Vinda Rao, marketing manager for recruiting software company Bullhorn. She adds that small companies are more likely to recruit using Facebook and Twitter over LinkedIn. If working for a startup appeals to you, tailor your Facebook content to attract small companies.

Not only are social networking sites recruitment tools, they’re networking platforms. Like the Facebook pages of companies you’re interested in working for, and follow industry leaders on Twitter. Engage with organizations and leaders by reading updates, re-tweeting interesting content, joining conversations, and sharing your own sights. Represent your lovemark with photos, videos and pieces of content that identify you as a top candidate who would fit in with the culture of a company and elevate the company’s bottom line. Be visible, promote your assets and stay relevant.


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