Files, Faxes and Friendships: Giving The Office A Reboot


It’s everyone’s dream to have a fulfilling life, and that extends to our work. If running a company isn’t  giving you the satisfaction you are craving, you may need to look at the environment you’re running. Is it a thriving, productive one? Or does it feel like it needs a jolt? Here are some suggestions to think about.


Have Healthier Snacks

A very notable culture of an office is bringing in cakes for people’s birthday, or using sweets or pizza as a reward. Instead, encourage healthy snacks, like fruit and nuts instead of the sweet and salty snacks. This will then reduce the mid afternoon energy slumps and increase productivity.


Upgrade Your Hardware To The Cloud

Such as extra storage space over a standard hardware package, or the reduced carbon footprint and reducing the cost of upgrading this type of system, there are many advantages over standard hardware. This could be an investment that will save time, effort and money in other avenues.


Think About How You Are Marketing The Business

If you feel that aspect is coasting, maybe it’s time to start a new strategy or approach. Customers can become bored and complacent and easily defect to other brands. Look at your content, is it engaging enough? Open up your ability to communicate with your customers again and encourage a dialogue. If you establish a dialogue and you are willing to welcome feedback, you may see where you are falling down.


Change The Office Tech

Giving the technology a change, such as the aforementioned cloud, can help invigorate an office. From integrating the use of headsets to using a different type of phone system, or installing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, new tech will work better behind the scenes to keep the office active and efficient in its processes.


Have More Fun

This is the most important. If your colleagues are not happy, is it the example you are setting? Are you encouraging a healthy environment, or are you completely target driven? Why not have work theme days, like fancy dress or games days? This can extend to outside the workplace too. Organise regular social outings or christmas parties, discos, pub quizzes etc. Relationships between colleagues that were once frosty and tentative can turn into friendships and healthy working relationships.


Redecorate The Office

Not just with new desks and tables, but decorate the space. Make it seem to be less of an office and more of a creative hub. People don’t want to be staring at the same four walls for years and years. Have a change of colour, or reorganise the space. Speak to the staff and see what they would like to be more comfortable. Do they need new chairs or do they need beanbags? It’s amazing what a change of colour can do to a previously dull looking environment.


If any of these are inspiring you, give them a go. From increased productivity to a more cooperative team, having a few office changes can really make a difference.

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