How do large retailers such as #Forever21 use Facebook and Pinterest?

How do large retailers such as Forever 21 use Facebook and Pinterest?

Facebook is used by Forever21 by mainly using visuals. Events, trends and promotions are advertised through this – sometimes exclusive to their followers! Forever21 also use Facebook to promote their other platforms, for example their “Love is Free’ Pin it & Win it’ campaign, which included fans creating a pin board titled “Love is Free”, and pinning original pins which inspire their love for summer. They then had to paste a link to the board on the forever 21 blog with their email address to win a voucher! The campaign on Facebook received 1,009 likes, 48 comments and 28 shares the day it started, to follow, a few days before the content ended, they received 1,295 likes, 39 comments and 26 shares – This gave them content for their Pinterest boards whilst giving them a database of email addresses too.

Pinterest is one of their favourite platforms as it stimulates more sales through web referrals and click throughs than any other social site. They utilise this by posting pictures such as ‘OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) to give inspiration on how to wear their clothes. With 112930 followers, Forever21’s aim is to transform those followers into customers! They aim to keep a constant flow of pins to keep the followers attention. These followers can repin images onto other boards, increasing the brands customer reach. A report from SteelHouse shows consumers are 79% more likely to buy from seeing something on Pinterest than anywhere else online. is the new software which is likely to drive these figures up even more. This can be used to track competitors, analyse their own brands and campaigns – it’s an easy way to monitor the platform, increasing it’s efficiency! WhichSocial records a whole history of users, pins, re pins, likes and comments. This then analyses the pins and produces a database of top fashion retailers, allowing the best marketing strategies to be identified!

Both Facebook and Twitter are incredibly useful in selling fashion products – they just need to be utilised in the best way for your brand!

By Jessica Watkins, Social Media Account Manager at Marketme.


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