How much time should I dedicate to Social Media?

Many would advise to dedicate as much as you can and also allow for spending budgets too in order to accumulate as much following and interaction as possible. But looking at micro to SME size businesses the scenario usually is both time and marketing investment money poor. What then is the right amount of time to give to your business social media management?

You do not necessarily have to be active on social media every second of every day. Study when your target audiences are using social media and be active during these key peak times – Are your ideal customers looking for your products / services during the day at work or during leisure time, are they engaging with your brand more during television shows, holidays, festive times etc.

You can schedule updates on social media platforms via third party websites such as Hootsuite which allows you to place updates a key times during the day / week which frees your time away from social media yet still gives the impression you are actively updating.

Sometimes a well thought  out update can be worth countless unworthy ones. If you update infrequently then make sure they are good ones, think about adding images and videos to what you post. Be different with your posts, give your audience something ‘unexpected’.



Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.