How to improve your social media pages.

If you have already got social media pages set up for your business and you want to improve the look and activity on them but need some ideas, then this blog post is for you.  Below are some tips that we have brought together to help you freshen up your pages!
Update your images
Consider changing your profile or cover photos depending on season, events happening or sales and offers you are holding.  Updating your images gives your current followers and potential followers something different to look at when they come to your page and they will immediately see any offers or events that you have on.Add some images to your picture section (the ability to do this varies depending on what social media sites you are using).  On Facebook for example, adding some pictures to an album might be worthwhile as fans sometimes have a look through to see what images you have to get a better idea of what sort of company you are.  If you have been to events, have behind-the-scenes pictures or sneak previews of products.  People like to see these pictures and it makes them more connected to your company. On Pinterest, your page is dominated by the images, so make sure you regularly renew them.

Update your company information
If you have offers on or events happening that your company is involved in that you want to promote, change your profile information accordingly.  While you may be posting on social media about these offers or events, ‘about’ sections on company social media pages are often the first things that people see when they go on to your page, so this is a great way of promoting.

Try something new with your followers
If you are looking for ways to freshen up the posts you are making, try posting different types of updates on your pages.  You could post links to interesting articles, hold a competition,
highlight customer testimonials, hold a poll, write a blog, ask fans for their opinions on something etc. Anything you do should try and encourage interaction on your page because it gets your posts seen by more people, it strengthens the relationship with your company and it makes your page look active to potential new followers.

Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut with your social media?prove-your-social-media-pages.html#sthash.UhOAjngi.dpuf


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.