How To Make Increase Sales While On Holiday.

How To Make Increase Sales While On Holiday

(No smart phone attached to your person required)

Okay so if you’ve found this magazine there’s a good chance you already know that social media can be a powerful tool for your business success right?

You’ve heard enough people tell you it could boost your sales and help business along nicely, and are probably already getting some success. Great isn’t it?

But what about when you don’t want to have your nose stuck in a screen?

Can you imagine it?

A time when you don’t want to be working! A time when something else is more important?

Say family, holidays, fun, laughter, sport, hobbies…wow if you’re a business owner do they feel like distance dreams rather than things that happen to you?

To be honest it scares me the way business owners fail to be able to walk away from their business for the shortest amount of time, as if they are the power behind societies rather than business owners. As a business coach I’ve seen the damage that lack of creativity and ideas can cause to a business’s success and looking at the problem expecting a miracle for a few extra hours is never the solution. So why do so few business owners feel they can walk away from their business for a break? Especially when you consider the global experts actively encourage their team to go off and think while doing “something non-work related.”

When I tell people that I don’t take my phone on holiday you would have thought I’d said “I enjoy eating little puppies with kitten sauce” The reality for business owners is social media can be even more powerful when you want to be busy elsewhere. Okay so the majority of the time you will be busy delivering to your customers or sealing the deal on your next great client, but when you want to be sunning yourself or reconnecting with your social life, social media can be working beautifully for you.

And this is not just theory folks, I put this into action 2 weeks ago and came back from my last holiday to find I’d made sales in every area of my business and I’d been busy dancing down Main Street with Mickey Mouse in Disney Land!

So firstly what would social media be delivering?

Social media enables you to keep in touch with past, present and future clients. It keeps you on their radar, reminding people what you do and why you are the one for them. Remember, as I like to say, you can’t dictate when someone buys but you can have a say in who they choose to buy from.

People would be engaging with what you say and wanting to hear from you. They would be finding your website and signing up to your offerings.

Potential customers would be getting in touch with you and wanting to learn more. (Imagine complete strangers to your business tracking you down!)

So that’s what social media could be doing, but how can you make that happen AND sun yourself on a beach?

There are a plethora of platforms out there to help you automate your social media but a word of caution here with neon lights on. People are smart, so don’t treat them like idiots. They can spot pre-programmed “salesly” tweets faster you can say “Buy Me,” so chose cautiously the style of information you put out there.

It’s no good posting “Who’s having a great day?” and then not replying for 2 weeks. It kind of shouts “Hey I don’t get social media”.

Share top tips. When clients get bogged down in the “Aaaaa I don’t know what to say.” Just think about the clients and customers you are looking after this week. What problems did they bring to the table? What solutions did you find? How much money/time did you save them?

Remember when it comes to great info to share think “What interests the people that I want to do business?”

Don’t just share the written word. Imagine that your customers adore everything you do, wouldn’t they love a short (and I mean short!) video of you sharing a great idea. And a word of warning here, in this age to need know every thing last Friday, its highly likely unless you’ve really nailed holding their attention they will stick around long enough to view your short film, so best it’s good for playing in the back ground. Because unlike you who will have you social media marketing sussed so you can be off doing other things these people will be attached to their screens!


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.