How To Make More Space For Your Family During Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, many of us will be thinking of how we’re going to fit everything that comes with the festive season into our homes. Whether that’s family, friends, or gifts, you’re going to need to think about a few factors to help you tackle the issues that come with Christmas. For example, where are you going to fit the presents? And how are you going to squeeze your close relatives into your front room? Don’t worry – there are things that you can do to help, from having a pre-Christmas clear out, doubling up your space and downsizing your decorations. Read on to find out more below.

If you find having your extended family over is difficult due to the lack of space in your home – why not make a permanent change? You could extend your property in many ways with the help of architects Surrey, so you can enjoy Christmas without worrying about the logistics!

Clear your clutter

Christmas goes hand in hand with clutter – so as the festive season approaches, make sure that you set aside enough time to go through any clutter you have lying around that may be taking up valuable space that you can get rid of in time for the Big Day. This could be anything from clearing out food – tinned and dried items – that you haven’t eaten and probably won’t eat. Take them to a food bank to make space for the food that you’ll be stocking up on over Christmas. Clear any old, unwanted clothes to make way for new items, and clear out any storage like cupboards and side tables that you have collected over the year. Generally, having a good tidy, and getting rid of anything you don’t use or need means that you can make space for your family this Christmas, and everything else that comes with it!

Think about storage

Storage is an important factor when it comes to making space to entertain your guests over the festive period, and there are storage options that allow you to keep your belongings out of sight, and out of mind whilst also looking stylish. For example, ottoman beds allow you to keep whatever you need underneath, whether that’s presents, additional bedding or summer clothes, so your guests have more space for their belongings. Footstools and coffee tables can also double up as storage – lifting off the top to store things like blankets, remote controls, or whatever else you’d like to store safely, away from getting lost in the excitement.

Furniture and decorations

With Christmas, comes all the decorations that you’ll need to make your home look amazing. But although a huge tree can look stunning, downsizing means you will be able to fit more of your guests in your space more easily. Think about downsizing your decorations for more space. Additional furniture may also be needed, whether that’s foldable chairs, tables, or beds for your guests to sleep in. When purchasing additional items, make sure that you can fold them away and store them easily.

Double up your space

When trying to fit the extended family into your home over the festive season, doubling up your space may be the best way to do it. For example, if you have a home office, you could add a foldaway bed for them to stay over. If you don’t have a dining room, is there another space that you could transform, like a conservatory to fit all the family to eat together? Get creative and see if you can transform one room into a space that could be used for something else.


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