How to use social media if you have a ‘boring’ product.

We all see it, either companies that are seen as boring struggling to post interesting content, or bare facebook pages and twitter timelines because who the hell cares about cheese crackers.

To be fair, Energizer and Ritz actually support the arguemnt that most companies, no matter how dull the product seems, can post relevant content that gets traffic.

So what do we need to do, in order to make your business relevant on social media?

Why do you want to be on social media?

You need to answer this question first, there are tons of great reasons to get on the social media bandwagon.

  1. Drive more traffic to your site.
  2. Increase brand awareness, let people know about your business.
  3. Engage and talk to your market and your customers.
  4. Research your market and see what your customers want.

How to exploit social media, not matter what you’re product is.

  1. Look at how other businesses do it.

    Take a look at this article for examples on 25 ‘Boring’ Companies With Brilliant Social Media Cover Photos. This shows that your images and covers are a start. Energizer and Ritz are also other examples on how to start posting stuff that people like.

  2. Talk about what you’re getting involved with in the community.

    Are you sponsoring other events? Maybe talking at a networking gig or giving a presentation to a group of customers? You won’t be in business for long if you don’t have something people want, so let people know about it.

  3. Start talking about what you’re customers want to talk about.

    With research, you can find out what you’re customers pain points are. You don’t have to post brand new content all the time to be seen as active on SM. So start retweeting, replying to other people’s posts and looking for ways to engage, BUT NOT SELL OR ADVERTISE. That’s super tacky.

  4. Be a little kooky.

    Post fun stuff, people actually don’t care about recent conveyance legislation changes. They do care about cat GIFs. Re-name your content so that it appeals to people. ‘How to save money when you buy a house’ is way more inviting that ‘recent conveyance legislation changes’.

  5. Post stuff that’s useful and share other people’s stuff.

    Post quality content occasionally, not for the sake of it. Quality over quantity. Share other industry people’s content and find other ways to get your message across. YouTube is a great tool if you can get over your nerves.

So there you go, you can get any message, any product and any company on social media to achieve one of the goals above. Give it a shot.

Michael Killen is the founder of Devon Digital Design. He believes that all businesses can start finding high quality customers online, with his websites, SEO and social media. Remember to follow him on Twitter for tips on how to find more customers online.

Or you can download his FREE E-BOOK on Finding and keeping high quality customers.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.