Maximise Your Social Media Efforts.

So what does that mean to a small business owner as well as the big corporations? What can you do to maximise your social media efforts?

Work hard to maximise your social media. Don’t just post randomly on Twitter and Facebook.

Leadamo Academy Fillets The Facts To Maximise Your Social Media Efforts

  • Having a social media plan is essential. If you don’t have one then time wasted can make you think social media is just that: a waste of time. It isn’t. Like anything we don’t understand fully we can dismiss it as useless. Start thinking about why your company needs social media.
  • Now social media is integral to every business then it’s time to get serious. Have a strategy and use time on social media wisely. Decide on outcomes, decide on reasons for choosing to post, where, when, how many times but most importantly for what reason?
  • Begin with an objective – measure what you are doing – get some results for the time and budget expended. Every business should have oversight on what is being done on social media if you are to have any chance of maximise your social media efforts.
  • Ask yourself: how does social media affect my business? Why am I doing this? What effect is it actually having? What do I actually want to achieve? Have  a meeting, spend some time discussing and asking others in your niche what their experiences are?
  • Do you simply want brand awareness? How can you maximise your social media efforts to achieve this? What will it do for your brand?
  • Are you wanting to be seen as a thought leader or influencer? Where, when and how can this happen? Do you need to seriously consider creating content that is valuable? You know the answer already.
  • Are you promoting a specific product or service? Is it time sensitive? Who is the target audience? Where do they hang out? Should you be there too?
  • Are you managing brand reputation? Why are you doing it? How are you doing it? Are you making the best of any opportunities to maximise your social media efforts?
  • A holistic view is important so you can be practical and actually develop ideas that are actionable.
  • Consider this: why did you begin to join social networks in the first place? By asking questions and sharing information you make connections. Facebook quickly became a source of news about friends and families, their likes and dislikes. Twitter is now the place where news breaks. Pinterest alerts us to things that make us feel good, in the main it is visual entertainment. Linkedin is professional and serves a very different audience for example.

So, what’s changed? It’s not just about communicating it’s about informing. Therefore as we keep saying at Leadamo Academy: don’t just talk about yourself. Consider what your followers want to know about. What they’ll find interesting and plan, plan, plan.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.