Preventing Break-ins: 7 Common Tricks Burglars Use to Gain Entry

Break-ins can happen to anyone. However, burglars look for easy targets. Familiarising yourself with their methods will grant you a better understanding of how to safeguard your abode against potential intruders.

In this piece, we’ll reveal the most common tricks they gain entry, providing invaluable tips on securing your home against criminals.

The Hidden Key Dilemma

Burglars possess an uncanny knack for uncovering the most clandestine of hideaways for those precious spare keys.

They don’t miss a beat when it comes to scanning the classic spots—the old under-the-doormat, the ever-familiar potted plant, and even that deceptive faux rock. It’s a familiar song and dance that can compromise the very heart of your home security.

There’s a more modern and savvy approach, though. Enter digital locks or secure key safes. Digital locks not only grant you the convenience of keyless entry but also the power to keep a watchful eye from a distance.

No more fumbling for keys–it’s control at your fingertips. On the flip side, key safes, built to be tamper-resistant, offer a secure haven for your spare keys. Yet, don’t stop there; education is key.

Ensure every member of your household grasps the significance of key security. It’s a family affair—everyone should know the risks tied to leaving spare keys in plain sight and exercise prudence when it comes to key handling.

Window Entry Strategies

When it comes to gaining unlawful access, burglars have a soft spot for certain windows, the ones that speak of vulnerability. Think basements and those ground-level windows, often neglected but rich in opportunity for intruders.

The scene gets even murkier when Mother Nature unwittingly lends a hand. Overgrown bushes or the canopy of trees cast shadows that serve as perfect camouflage.

Countermeasures, however, can be your allies. Equip your home with window alarms and glass break sensors. These trusty gadgets are designed to sound the alarm when a window is tampered with or shatters—a swift, decisive response to a potential breach. Don’t neglect the upkeep, either. The gears and gizmos that secure your windows deserve a regular once-over to ensure they’re in peak condition ready to stand their ground.

Door Tampering Techniques

Burglars, crafty as they come, aren’t just about brute force. They’ve got an arsenal of finesse up their sleeves, from lock picking to the eerie efficacy of bump keys. But it’s not just the locks they target–it’s the framework, too. A feeble door frame can be their easiest way in, no matter how stout the lock.

Embrace the digital age and opt for smart locks. These aren’t your grandpa’s locks; they’re fortified with encryption and the ability to be controlled remotely through nifty smartphone apps. Try tampering with that.

But, no matter how advanced the lock, regular maintenance is the name of the game. Keep tabs on those doors and locks, making sure they’re in tip-top shape. Solid materials for your doors and reinforced frames—these are the fortifications that make intruders think twice.

Social Engineering Tactics

Burglars are no strangers to the art of deception, often crafting elaborate facades to infiltrate your domain.

They’ll play the utility worker, the courier, or even pose as familiar faces to slip through the cracks. In this age of digital connections, they’ve extended their reach online, mining social media for nuggets of personal information.

To outwit these cunning adversaries, you’ve got to be a sceptic. Verify the identity of anyone seeking entry. Demand identification, contact the supposed utility or delivery service, and confirm their legitimacy. And don’t forget to educate your kin, especially the younger ones, about the value of scepticism when dealing with strangers.

In the digital realm, tread carefully. The details you share on social media can become a treasure trove for would-be burglars. Keep your whereabouts and travel plans close to the vest, as such information can be an unexpected gift.

By keeping your guard up and practising prudence, you become the master of your home‘s defence.

Surveillance and Timing

In the world of burglars, surveillance isn’t just reserved for the big screens. These modern-day intruders have embraced technology to keep a watchful eye. They study your routines, knowing when you’re not at home. It’s a game of cat and mouse that requires a change in tactics.

In your corner, you’ve got the power of vigilance. Neighborhood watch programs and community unity are your allies. They offer a second set of eyes and ears to thwart the plans of those who would breach your sanctuary.

Technology lends a hand, too, with home automation allowing you to create the illusion of an occupied house, lights flickering on and off, curtains parting, and the unmistakable sense of life inside.

But, perhaps the most potent weapon is unpredictability—changing routines to keep them guessing. In this game, every move counts.

Exploiting Poor Lighting

Burglars thrive in the shadows, and they’re well-acquainted with the art of stealth. Poor lighting creates the perfect stage for their mischief, casting shadows and blind spots that conceal their every move.

Yet, you can turn the tables with motion sensor lighting. It’s the watchful sentinel that springs to life when it detects movement, chasing away darkness and leaving no corner unilluminated.

Smart lighting systems offer an added layer of control, allowing you to dictate when and where the light shines brightest. The message is clear: there are no safe hiding spots on your turf.

Illuminate every nook and cranny, for in the world of burglars, darkness is their cloak, and light is their kryptonite.

Garage Door Vulnerabilities

Even the humble garage door is not beyond the reach of determined burglars. They’ve honed their skills to bypass electronic garage doors, using cunning methods that can leave your home exposed. But the garage is often the gateway to your castle, and fortifying it is essential.

The first line of defence is securing the internal door connecting the garage to your home. This door, often overlooked, serves as a vital barrier. Additional locks and security devices designed specifically for garage doors can be your trusted sentinels.

Regular maintenance of garage door mechanisms is paramount, ensuring that they operate smoothly and without glitches. After all, it’s not just the front door that needs safeguarding—every entrance is a potential weak link.


Home security is ultimately about the power of knowledge and vigilance. Embrace the above principles, and you’ll enhance your home security, ensuring that your abode remains impenetrable.

Lastly, consider using locksmith services. The pros will analyse your home security and provide you with the best tips on how to upgrade it and burglar-proof your abode.


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