SME Marketing Tips 2014

If you have a start-up or a small business, you will know that marketing is essential for increasing awareness of your brand, generating income and ensuring continued success. After all, it doesn’t matter how great your company is, if people aren’t aware of it.

With marketing being essential for a company’s success, it is important to get it right. If you are struggling for ideas, the tips on this infographic by promotional experts Stay Sourced are worth a look as they show how to market your SME through social media, networking and digital marketing. These are all highly important, particularly marketing through social media due to the high popularity and use of sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

In addition to these hints you can ensure better marketing by drawing up a marketing plan. This can take many forms but it is recommended you start by performing a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of your business, which should serve to give you an objective perspective of where your business sits in the market and how you can improve for the future. You can also prepare your marketing strategy by doing market research upon your target audience, to ensure your marketing tactics are appealing and deciding how wide a geographical range you intend to market over.

For more great tips for SME marketing, check out the dedicated SME Marketing Tips page at StaySourced.


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