Social Media and Email Marketing – The Winning Combination This Christmas.

All I want for Christmas is good ROI on my campaigns!

With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s time we had a good look at our email and social media marketing efforts and make sure they live up to the task of delivering results.

Email and social media marketing go together like Batman and Robin. They are both pretty powerful on their own, but their power grows considerably when combined. To help with this, here is a quick check list I compiled to make sure that this year’s Christmas campaign packs a good punch and delivers great results.

1. Add social media sharing icons to email campaigns.

The ability for subscribers to share email content on social networks (AKA “Share With Your Network”) offers the perfect opportunity to extend the reach of your email campaign. In order for your readers to do so, you have to offer them excellent value in the email’s boy and engaging enough content.

2. Add an email opt-in form on your social sites.

These days almost every social media platform offers for you to add your own sign up form. If not, simply post a link and ask your followers to subscribe to your email list. Make an exclusive offer like a tempting discount or a small Chirstmas gift in return for their email address. You will be surprised how many of your social followers would love to receive your emails!

3. Focus on good content content.

Do more that just cut and paste blog posts in your newsletter. Nowadays people are a lot more savvy when it comes to promotional and salesy content and it gets blocked pretty much straight away. Instead, go for something that may not deliver a sale in the short-term, but will work towards engagement and loyalty. Think about your particular business, what can you offer that will deliver value? What kind of email content will people be willing to share with their social followers? If you find yourself stuck for content, read this.

4. Re-tweet this.

That’s another great way to get email marketing and social media marketing working together. Highlight a specific quote from your email (an motivational sentence, interesting fact, a discount code) and urge people to re-tweet. Make it as fast, easy and seamless of a process for people to share your content and they will!

5. Don’t forget to say Merry Christmas!

After all, you have the tools to communicate with everyone on your list simultaneously, why take it for granted? Let the holiday spirit shine through and send an email with a good old Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year or any other similar message. Don’t be a business emailing its clients, be a human wishing fellow humans, to have a very happy holiday season. Spread the cheer with a lovely message, maybe even a picture of your staff in Christmasy jumpers.


After all, it’s the most wonderful time of the year!


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