The Fastest Way to Build a Following on Pinterest.

What’s the point of working to have a social media presence if no one notices your efforts? Social media’s main purpose is to help you build connections, after all. So if you’re blindly wandering around Pinterest, struggling to build a following, you’re wasting your time.

Or, perhaps you’re just now launching a Pinterest account in the name of your business, blog or what have you, and you’d like to round up some interest in a flash. There are some key concepts that can help new and old users alike. So whether you need to make up for lost time or start things off with a bang, everyone can utilize these tips to speedily build a Pinterest following.

Pin Often

Just like creating a Twitter and never tweeting, having a Pinterest is pointless without persistently pinning. If you’re not taking the time to keep the cool stuff flowing on your page, people will get bored with your content and may even unfollow your boards. Reaching and maintaining high engagement on Pinterest requires engagement on your end too.

Keep it Organized

Your boards should not be mishmashes of unrelated images. Create new ones when it’s necessary, as there should be organized themes for all of your boards. This will help potential followers navigate through your stuff with ease – making your site a more appealing place to be.

Make the Most of Your Descriptions

Lots of Pinterest users make the mistake of leaving description fields blank. Don’t do that. They don’t take long to write but they make a big difference. An effective description may even make up for some lacking punch in your graphic. Be creative and definitely include prices if you’re marketing your products.

Don’t Market Too Much

Speaking of marketing your products… don’t overdo it. Overall, your products probably can’t keep potential followers intrigued for too long. Instead, create interesting boards that feature images relating to (but not directly marketing) your products.

Say, for example, you were trying to market cat or dog repellent. Repeatedly posting images of your gadgets and bottles would prove a terrible Pinterest strategy. However, pictures of animals destroying homes and properties might catch some attention. Remember that Pinterest is a visual social media platform; appealing to the eye is your goal.

Keep Pinterest Trends in Mind

Pinterest recently released the most popularly pinned categories per day of the week. They are as follows:

  • Monday: health and fitness
  • Tuesday: technology
  • Wednesday: quotes
  • Thursday: fashion
  • Friday: humor
  • Saturday: travel
  • Sunday: cooking

Keep these categories in mind as you make boards and post content. Also look back at past Pinterest trends in order to learn more about those utilizing the site. Relating to more people means more potential followers.

Mix it Up (GIFs and Videos)

Pinterest is not limited to just images. Oh no, no no. You should be beefing up your page with excellent quality photos, of course, but that’s not all. Pinterest now features videos, too – and people love them. Pinterest launched its GIF category just five months ago and already more than 400,000 of them are being pinned each day.

Take advantage of this trend. Videos and GIFS can help you get a particular message across perhaps better than a simple graphic. Utilize relevant ones to boost your brand and get people engaged with your content.


It’s true: lots of people utilize Pinterest as a means of collecting pretty thoughts and stowing them away for a rainy day. What you should start doing, though, is using it as the social media platform that it is. Seriously: dare to be social. When people repin something of yours, for example, take the time to shoot them a comment or return the favor. Interactions like this, though small, can make a mighty difference in your Pinterest presence.

Yes, it will take time on your part, but using these guidelines will really help to draw some eyes to your page. If you’re persistent and keep things interesting, you should rally up some followers in no time.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.