When is the best time of day to update Social Media?

Is it really important what time of day or even day of the week that you are updating your social media account with content? Social media is 24/7 with tweeting, posting on Facebook, uploading videos to YouTube or pinning to Pinterest happening constantly and at an increasing frequency. So, how do you decide when is the best time for you to be active on social media? It is very difficult to be on social media 24/7 even if using social media management platforms that allow for scheduling, you have to understand your target audience’s activities online and release updates when they are most active on each of the platforms.

  • Facebook – Between 10 am and 4 pm Monday to Thursday.
  • Twitter – Between 1 pm and 3 pm Monday to Thursday.
  • LinkedIn – Between 7 am to 9 am and 5 pm to 6 pm Tuesday to Thursday.
  • Google+ – Between 9 am to 11 am on workdays.
  • Pinterest – Between  2 pm to 4 pm and 8 pm to 1 am on weekdays. The best time to pin items on Pinterest is on Saturday morning.

Ways to research best times to be active on social media:

Research online. Sometimes the best way to do anything in business is learn from those that are already successful. Research your industry and see if there is content on search engines that detail times to be active on varied platforms. Another way to study optimum times is by following big players on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc within your industry and see when and what they are updating their accounts and what interaction they are having and simply copy (in your own way) what they do. You may see a lot of conflicting information and advice on line so back up anything you read with your own research.

Social Media Tools. There are an increasing amount of social media management tools and analytic information for your activities on social media so pay close attention to them to see the impact your updates / uploads are having. The likes of LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube as good examples, provide you with detailed figures on how your activities on their portals is working towards interaction and increasing your social media reach.

Learn from mistake – Trial and Error! What better way to attack any marketing drive than to experiment and find your own avenue of success. If you are prepared to dedicate sufficient time to social media you will soon pick up vibes as to how your efforts are being rewarded with interaction and web traffic. Post content throughout the day and days of the week and study how each is having it’s impact.




Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.