Why Social Media Matters To Your Brand.

If we make our customers unhappy in real life, they might each tell up to six people. However, if we make them unhappy on social media/internet they can each tell up to six thousand people. This means that social media matters most to any brand.

The infographic below by B3 Multimedia shows customers spend 22 percent of their time on social networking sites like Facebook and GooglePlus, while 21% on searching-Google and 20% on browsing. Moreover 23 percent of brand marketers are developing social media strategies. Are you leveraging social media in your marketing strategy?

Social media allows companies to connect with customer on a one to one social level. Leveraging social media in your business marketing can help raise your follower-base in a dynamic way. The above statistics highlight why social media matters to your brand:

B3 Multimedia Solutions is a creative studio based in Portarlington. We specialise in high quality design projects where the professional presentation of business or organisation is paramount.  We help to  build businesses from scratch with a delicate blend of cohesive branding, creative  design solutions  in both online and offline marketing channels.
Our primarily focus is on the small and medium businesses. This is the segment that indeed needs our services to survive. Our company creates effective marketing communication to help your business present an attractive, equalized brand image.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.