Why Your WordPress Site Is A Joke

WordPress is one of the most exciting platforms on the internet right now, giving millions of people access to the tools they need to run amazing websites and blog – and make money in the process.


There’s just one problem: making WordPress work for you is difficult. With increasing platform complexity has come greater difficulty in implementing the type of site that you want.


So what are these problems and how can you fix them?


WordPress Isn’t Always Secure


Every year, more and more WordPress sites, unfortunately, fall victim to hackers. In 2014, the people behind the platform announced that two major vulnerabilities, affecting more than 150,000 accounts had been discovered.



Still today, WordPress doesn’t offer users failsafe protection out of the gate. Many people, therefore, need to take matters into their own hands and download plugins that will do the job for them. Good options include solutions like Wordfence and Sucuri Security.


Your Thumbnails Aren’t Always Optimized


Even when you’ve dealt with security issues, there always remain design problems that are difficult for general users to sort out by themselves. This is why so many people use a branding agency to provide get their website looking the way that they want it to.


One of the main problems that people have is with their thumbnail settings. If you ever happen to change your theme, you’ll also notice that your thumbnail settings change along with it. But there’s a problem: your previous thumbnails don’t always change along with it. The solution is to find the right plugin to automatically update older thumbnails so that your site doesn’t wind up looking like a mess.


You’ve Got A Bunch Of Broken Links


When your site is fresh and new, broken links aren’t much of an issue. That’s because the chances that other webmasters have moved or deleted those pages are small. But as time goes on, your site will quite naturally start accumulating broken links. This is okay, up until a point: after all, not many people will be rifling through your old content and clicking on links. But it can become a problem when search engines start to recognize that your site has a lot of broken links, as this can adversely affect your ranking.


The solution is to get a plugin, like Broken Link Checker, that can automate the process of finding links that don’t go anywhere.


You Don’t Have Social Media Links


In the past, your average WordPress website could get away without having any links to social media. But today, that’s no longer the case. Social media is an integral part of pretty much any business or blog that you could imagine. Experts recommend, therefore, that WordPress users integrate social media into their sites in a friendly way, using the usual buttons alongside their posts, pages, and headers.


The only problem for many WordPress users is that their social media proof buttons are all zeroes and one, sending a message to their site visitors that their content is unpopular. A quick fix is to use SumoMe to hand social media buttons so that they only display when they have reached a certain threshold.



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