A new way to Increase and Improve your Company and Product Visibility.

I have this awesome idea and I am sure that people will like it! It is going to bring me a lot of profit! Yeah, but if you want people to like it you have to first let them know about it. You want to know how your business is doing, are your products or services surpassing your expectations?


So how do you do this?

Recently, a friend of mine came across a new social media where he created a profile for his innovative Tech related company and separately created pages for the services that his company offers. I decided to give it a try and explore in detail some of the features that it offers. I went through a lot of tools there and I have to say I was quite impressed with them. It was extraordinary how so many features (much more than LinkedIn or Facebook) were available and above all they were organized in very elegant way.

This new social media called Solaborate which apparently is dedicated to tech professionals comprises of a lot of functions that I came across but for now we are going to explore the chance it offers to both individuals and companies to promote themselves and their goods.

Yeah, but I can do this elsewhere, like I can create a website or I can create a page on Facebook for my company then another one for my products!

How about NO! Just NO! You MUST go with Solaborate and I am going to tell you why. In comparison to LinkedIn, Solaborate is not general and there is a target audience which is only the tech community.

Once you register (I dare you to do it) you have the option of creating your company within your personal profile. The procedure is simpler and faster than ever. You have to go through a validation procedure where you should add the name, the website and the email of your company. You move on by giving basic or more advanced details regarding your company and you are good to go.

Then the next step you need to do is… oh wait there was no next step. You are done. It was as easy and simple as that.

A company would be worthless without a product or a service offered. The simplicity is there again. All you need to do is click on the product and services section and add one or the other. After choosing the name and the category of your product one can move on to the next stage which consists of giving basic information about it. This concludes the process of adding products or services to your company.

There you go… You have a company with your products and services all in one place. No need to switch back and forth to different pages. Impressive right? Not really cause they offer much more.

So you completed your company, product or service profile, now tell me your next wish? Wait, because I will guess it myself. You want to know how it is doing, is it reaching your expectations, or it is not worth spending more time and resources on it. In a way you need to somehow measure its progress and see its potential.

The important thing that you want to know is to notice if a particular product or service that you offer is not being embraced from the clients. On the contrary it is your duty not to not allow such a failure affect you. Your duty is to pick up the pieces, rebuilt and come back even stronger with something new and better. Failure is not an option if you are able to predict the future. In fact with Solaborate Insights you do not even have to predict it cause it is there for you to see it and act upon their results.

Every social media has to bring something unique or they will die trying to copy others. Solaborate offers this unique opportunity for your business. On top of that if you decide to use Solaborate internally in your company there are some other features that will make the life easier for everyone there. Video or audio chat within the application is a great feature if your business has employees spread around the country or world. Furthermore there is a screen sharing option which will allow people to be more concise and realize that they are performing their tasks in a concise way.

Humanity is always in search of perfect tools that will help them achieve something great for their companies, businesses and overall in life. While this app is not perfect, it is the best one out there if you want to achieve the goals set in your company. For some people, it is hard to try new things because they are used with the ones they practice in their everyday life. The worst thing however is not giving a chance to something better to what they are used to. Be wise and stay in touch with the latest trends. Technology is advancing so whatever new that pops up will most likely be better, faster and potentially key to your business. Solaborate is one of them.

Lumbardh Idrizi

[email protected]


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.