
Becoming a fitness guru: how to beat the budget gyms

28th October 2016

Everyone wants to get fit. Seriously, who can honestly say they wouldn’t love to drop a few pounds and discover hidden abs of steel? The only sticking point for personal trainers is that no one wants to pay through the nose for it. It’s partly why low-cost budget gyms have come to dominate the landscape…

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The 4 Unmissable Qualities Of A Well-Run Business

26th October 2016

There is no one way to run a business; in fact, every venture is slightly different. There are, however, several key components which are common to the majority of businesses. Regardless of what a business does or is invested in, these are likely to remain the case. If you run your own business, then you…

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What is Branding Marketing About?

26th October 2016

Branding Marketing is the process of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product or service from competing ones An effective branding strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly growing and competitive markets. As such, branding management and marketing refers to your promise and commitment in front of the customer.…

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Intelligent Tips For Setting Up A Business In The Education Sector

25th October 2016

The education sector is a fantastic place to start a business. There are a few business ideas you can work with here. However, the best one is starting a tutoring business. Providing tutoring services is in high-demand right now. Especially in older students getting ready to sit their GCSE’s or A-Levels. Consequently, there is a…

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What Steve Jobs Can Teach Us About Becoming Better Marketers

24th October 2016

Steve Jobs pulled off maybe the greatest turnaround ever seen in corporate history. In 2000, Apple computers was almost a complete write-off. But then with some guile and very smart marketing, Jobs managed to turn the whole thing around. Today the company is right at the forefront of some of the most exciting developments in…

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Your Employees Are The Legs Of Your Business, Don’t Cut Them Off!

21st October 2016

What is the most important part of your business? Don’t worry, we’re going to answer for you, it’s your employees. Do you not agree? Think about it, they are the ones who deliver the service that you sell. They are the one who will be interacting and engaging with customers. They are who will determine…

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Cheap Business Tools For Maximum Profit!

21st October 2016

They say simplicity is key when it comes to marketing. While this is an easy thing to say, it is a tricky thing to pull off successfully. It is, however, the best approach you can take to when trying to get your product out there. So many contemporaries of yours and small businesses are still…

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3 Reasons Why It’s Crucial To Have A High-Quality Company Website

20th October 2016

When running a business, you should always have an excellent, high-quality website. People are constantly on the web nowadays, and they often use it to access their favourite businesses. Having a site that runs well on browsers and smartphones is crucial for reaching out to your target demographic.   If you don’t have a website…

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New To Social Media Marketing? You Need To Follow These 6 Simple Strategies Right Away!

20th October 2016

By now, you will know that social media plays a big part in any brand’s marketing efforts. Most of us spend several hours on various social networks like Facebook and Twitter each day. It’s a well-known fact that what we see on those platforms influences our buying choices.   If you’re new to social media…

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High Traffic Levels And Zero Sales? Something’s Going Wrong

15th October 2016

If you have high traffic levels for your site, you can take comfort in knowing one thing. Your SEO is working so there’s no need to worry about using a different company or investing in one at all. That part of your marketing is covered. It’s what happens after that you need to focus on.…

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The 4 Daily Habits of the Most Successful SEOs

13th October 2016

Good knowledge of your craft is often not enough to be successful in it, especially when we are talking about such fast-developing and changing professions as SEO specialist. In this case, knowing the basic nuances of search engine optimization is important, but the key to success in this field is constant learning and development because…

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Workforce Diversity is key to increased Employee Engagement and Productivity

10th October 2016

Employee engagement and productivity are the foundations of every great business. As an employer, you need all of your staff to be permanently engaged. It’s all about ensuring they have a positive outlook on working life. If they’re positive in their approach to work, then they’ll be more engaged every day. What does this lead…

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