
10 Commandments for Your Office

2nd September 2017

If you are looking for some more structure to your office space, then you have come to the right place. This infographic provides you with 10 of the best office commandments that will resolve unnecessary disputes and encourage maximum productivity while at work. A few of the commandments mentioned include: No Loud Music Background music…

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A Business Is Only As Good As Its People

29th August 2017

As a small business owner, you probably already know some of the pain which comes with recruitment. From the very start, your employees will make your life hard, creating additional work and soaking up your time. Of course, without them, you wouldn’t be able to get anything done, so it makes sense that you keep…

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Recent Key Shifts in Approaches to Branding For Small Businesses

28th August 2017

2017 has seen some great insight into what makes for successful branding strategies for small businesses and while because it is a fast moving niche it is vital to constantly re-evaluate your approach, by following some of these trends and sometimes even taking a leap to set your own you can become a real mover…

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Top 5 Tips for Ensuring Lone Work Safety

28th August 2017

As a business owner, you’re not just focused on generating as much profit as possible. You also need to take care of your resources, and that means you also need to look out for the welfare of your employees. This is especially important when you have situations wherein an employee has to work alone. Lone…

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Introducing The Superhero Workforce

21st August 2017

A working environment is home to a variety of different personalities and skills. There will always be people that you get along with more than others, but there is no denying that the people you work with either make it a bearable or tedious experience. The warehouse management specialists PeopleVox understand just how important it…

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The Importance of Market Research for B2B Companies

18th August 2017

Market research is a large part of every successful business. However, none of which benefit as much as B2B Companies. This is since they are working together to gain separate benefits. With this said and keeping in mind that the abbreviation ‘B2B’ stands for business to business, it is no wonder why Market Research is…

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Getting Into E-Commerce: Setting Up Your Own Fashion Brand Online

16th August 2017

Have you ever found yourself searching high street stores and the deep, dark depths of the internet searching for a specific item of clothing, only to realise that it’s something that you’ve imagined or thought up yourself? After hours reeling through frequented fashion blogs, flicking back through pages of those glossy high fashion mags and…

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The Benefits of Workforce Management Software

15th August 2017

The business face of the UK has been changing for some time. According to data gathered by the FSB, small businesses accounted for 99.3% of all private sector companies in the UK in 2016 and 99.9% were recognised as small or medium-sized (SMEs). Running a small business is no easy task. With reference to an article published…

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Benefits of Having Plants in the Office

10th August 2017

Every employer should add plants to the office setting. Numerous scientific studies show that plants in the office have both physical and psychological effects. Plus, plants do not cost much and can easily be added to the decorative budget, even going for large artificial plants can create a similar effect and you won’t have to…

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What Certifications Do Your Business Need?

9th August 2017

Traditional industries like accounting, management and teaching have always held professional certification in high regard, allowing professionals to expand their skill set and further their career. Certification can open new prospects and employment opportunities. Now, in our digitally-connected society, professional certifications play a vital role in demonstrating the digital skills and knowledge of your employees…

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Fantastic Features That Attract The Right Employees

8th August 2017

Businesses are always on the lookout for new and exciting workers. Indeed, they have to be because it is the staff who take the company to the next level. However, it won’t come as a surprise to hear that many businesses don’t hit the brief when they recruit. As a result, they end up hiring…

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Headhunting Like A Pro: Which Professionals Should You Target?

27th July 2017

There might come a time during the life of any business when the boss wants to move things forward. That often requires them to employ new professionals who can bring something different to the operation. Locating and identifying those experts can become somewhat of an art form. For that reason, there is some information on…

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