14th Anniversary of Aqua Design Group
2017 marks the 14th year in business for Aqua Design Group. What a journey it’s been so far. In the beginning As with most things makes sense to start from the beginning. Way back in February 2003 I decided to take the leap and start up doing design out of my bedroom at home and…
Read MoreContracting: Common Concurrent Complications
Working as a contractor in any industry is a combination of being your own boss, accountant, worker, chauffeur, and the list goes on and on! Contracting can be a good way of life for many, as you can dictate the amount of work you wish to do, and what time to clock off, but the…
Read MoreBusiness On A Time-Budget
Planning a new business takes a lot of time. If you’re working on a start-up and business plan, you’ll see that it’s more than just snazzy websites and for small business owners, time is valuable. A new business takes a lot of graft and working long, hard hours is the norm. Managers can often feel…
Read MoreSecrets Of Rags To Riches Success Stories
There are business owners online today who seem to have been taken from rags to riches overnight. Is this possible and if so how? Well first, suggesting things can change overnight is quite an exaggeration. It often takes weeks or even months for business professionals to find their footing online. That said, it is possible…
Read MoreSpeed Up Project Delivery Without Compromising on Quality
Getting a project finished quickly and producing quality work at the same time is a balancing act. If you work too fast in the wrong ways, you could end up negatively affecting the outcome of the project. But if you spend too long trying to get everything just right, you might not meet the deadlines…
Read MoreSurf’s Up! How Your Business Can Make The Most Of The World Wide Web
How much do you benefit personally from the World Wide Web? Most of us will admit to spending hours of our day surfing the Internet. If you consider how valuable the Internet is to you, just imagine how successful your business could be if you knew how to make the most of the web. If…
Read MoreFreelancing Do’s and Don’ts for Newbies
Freelancing is an incredibly popular career choice now that the internet has made it easy for people to share all of their work online and create amazing online portfolios with ease. However, there are plenty of freelancing do’s and don’ts that could benefit many newbies, and here are just some of those tips. DO: Get…
Read MoreEncouraging Your Staff To Grow With Your Business
Employees are the most important resource held by any business. Without them, the business cannot function, which is why having the right members of staff is so crucial. Not only should you employ talented individuals, but also ones that realise that they still have room to develop. If your business is to grow, you’ll…
Read MoreWhoops! Mistakes You Need To Avoid At Your Conference
If you have a conference on the calendar for your business, you need to think of it as a grand opportunity. It’s the chance to make an impact, maximize interest and ensure that people are aware of your company. You can also attract potential investors and ensure that the reach of your business expands. New…
Read MoreKeep Your Highstreet Store Healthy
Business owners considering setting up a shop on the high street should think carefully about the danger to this company model. First, there’s the issue with online competition. If you can find the product that you’re selling, online with cheaper production costs, you’ve already lost the battle. If there is a website selling a product…
Read MoreManaging Success: How To Ensure Your Employees Strive
As a business owner, you have to work hard to ensure you provide effective management for your staff. Failure to do that would mean your company never reaches maximum productivity. At the end of the day, you became involved in the corporate landscape to make a profit. So, it’s wise to ensure you run the…
Read MoreThe True Cost Of Bad Hires: It’s Worse Than You Think
In places like Boston, London, and Silicon Valley, startups have to operate on a shoestring. There simply isn’t much wiggle room in the system for startups to splash out. If they do, venture capital money goes elsewhere. This means that when startups make bad hires, it’s bad news. People are most startup’s biggest expense,…
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