#Facebook, #Twitter, #YouTube, #Pinterest, or #Linkedin? Which is best for you?

Now that Social Media is a well established form of marketing for businesses across the globe, how do you decide which of the platforms is the best for your business?

Our suggestion with business marketing advice is that businesses need to “really invest time and money in order to be present wherever their target audiences invest their time and attention”.

  • Research your key target audiences on Social Media platforms and see if they are present.
  • Look at where and how your competition is present on Social Media and how successful they are.
  • Understand each Social Media platform and how they entertain their members.
  • Look at your current business information and see if you have enough relevant information to share – Videos, photos, text?

It is now a fact that any businesses which have yet to embrace Social Media are missing a fantastic new opportunity to engage with their target audience in an active and mobile way like no other marketing opportunity ever before – If you seize Social Media marketing before your competitors then you are gaining the edge. Social Media is also great for re-launching a brand, where once they may have been old fashioned and years behind in the manner they communicated to the outside world, a new Social Media engagement could see them awaken on to the scene and catch up with competitors.

You still need to decide which of the major Social Media platforms is best to invest in. Although it is hard to pin down if and how much Social Media is influencing consumer decisions in purchasing, it is without doubt that it is making an impact.

  • Fans, Followers, Members and Subscribers of brands are proven to spend more annually on purchasing from them.
  • 73% of Fortune 500 Companies have active corporate Twitter accounts.
  • 4/5th’s of Pinterest users state that they visit company boards in order to gain ideas and inspiration on where and what to buy.
  • Video? If there is a video available on a product or service then you can be sure your next customer will be searching for it.
  • Most companies choose two Social Media platforms to run with, top sites being Facebook & Twitter.
  • It is widely advised not to spend budgets on being on all Social Media platforms. Focus on no more than 5 to save dilution.




Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.