Gaining Results from using Twitter.

A recent survey showed that 44% of marketers gained enquiries via Twitter in 2012, an increase on 2011. This figure will more than likely increase for 2013 – So, how do you get to the point where your efforts on Twitter bring in enquiries for your business?

Twitter is a fantastic social media platform that has an ever increasing audience from consumers to businesses, from politicians to celebrities. Quite simply, no matter what product you are selling or looking for, you will find people on Twitter to tweet with and it is how you interact with them that will define the success you gain from Twitter.

“Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as tweets.” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

If you are using Twitter and finding that your Tweets are reaching out far enough, some of these basic tips could help you to start seeing results rom your efforts:

  • Make sure you have a complete profile to include, if applicable, a link to your website and your location.
  • Do not let your profile down by stating legence to football teams, government parties etc as this may steer people away.
  • Use your back ground image space wisely, ideally designing an image that showcases your business. Include text if applicable.
  • When Tweeting, use hash tags to help some of your keywork to be found. For example “We offer #bridal services across #Essex”.
  • Try seeking out and following people on Twitter with the same interests as you or those who would be interested in your servcies.
  • Search for terms and wording relating to your business and see who’s Tweeting them and what is said.
  • ReTweet messages relating to your business and seek out questions asked by people whom you could advise.
  • Interact with celebrities and business gurus related to your business, products or services.
  • Offer special promotions unique to Twitter.
  • Share information relating to your products and services which may prove educational to your followers.
  • Make sure you have a Twitter link on your website so people know you are ‘tweeting’!
  • Share links to news websites, interesting videos on YouTube and other external websites which may interest your followers.
  • Try not to engage in debates, especially those relating to football, politics or religion.

There are many tips to adopt when using Twitter, but the above is at least a good starting point and should educate those that are new to tweeting.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.