Gaining Success with Pinterest including Do’s and Don’ts.

Relatively a new comer to the ‘Social Media’ scene, Pinterest is a fantastic and engaging platform that allows for image sharing and pinning and best of all, tremendous for SEO and brand awareness for businesses.

Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, and hobbies. Users can browse other pinboards for images, ‘re-pin’ images to their own pinboards, or ‘like’ photos. The site was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp, the site is managed by Cold Brew Labs and funded by a small group of entrepreneurs and investors.” Source Wikipedia.

It is easier to see Pinterest as being on the sidelines of Social Media and more a unique media channel for image content marketing to drive direct and target traffic to capture websites. It is generally a platform favoured by the female population from recent industry figures showcasing user activity and this means that certain themes / topics generally do better than others. As an example, the following industries can hope to gain better traffic from their Pinterest endeavours than others:

  • Fashion
  • Health / Fitness
  • Food and Drink
  • Fashion / Beauty / MakeUp
  • Home Styling / Gardens
  • Baby / Children related products & services
  • Travel
  • Animals / Pets
  • Home Crafting
  • Relationships / Celebrity Gossip

Though the above list may be the better industries to be in for Pinterest, with careful and target audience rich content, other sectors can also gain success from Pinterest. As with any marketing campaign on any offline or online platforms, it requires a careful and well thought out campaign to gain the best results. Pinterest is ideally there to capture ideas, inspiration and visions on potential projects based around the topics listed above, strengthing audience retention and pushing online browsers through to websites to make purchases or further enquiries.

Some useful Tips for using Pinterest Successfully.

  • Embrace Pinterest on your own website, make items / images ‘Pinnable’!
  • If you can, use prices on images as this increases client click through rates.
  • Think about using ‘Pin it to Win It’ campaigns to increase initial following / re-pins.
  • Constantly research your competition and stay ahead of the game.
  • Use quality images, no pixelated or poor images to be used.
  • Use direct HTML links on each image through to specific URL’s on your website.
  • Detail what each image is under descriptions.
  • If you can, watermark images to safeguard unfair competition usage.
  • Use Pinterest daily to maintain engagement of target audience.

We currently work with a number of clients maintaining their Pinterest accounts and driving target online traffic to their websites. If you are interested in Pinterest and how it can work for your business then simply give us a call at Marketme: 01206 700888


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