Instagram: How to use it to maximize your business efforts?

Instagram is a great social network. I think everyone will agree. But it’s good only to make some selfie’s and show up with your private life?  Many people could think so, but it’s not true. Lot of people using Instagram only for private purposes and Pinterest for business efforts. I agree that Pinterest is more easy to sell your products, you just have to pin your product picture with link to your shop. But I will show you that Instagram could be as more effective as Pinterest in selling. Here’s what you have to do.

Make great pictures!

First, lets see what do you have. Only small picture? You have much more. Take a look what should look like good example of picture on Instagram which sell something or at least make your brand recognizable from crowd:

  • take well illuminated pictures – what picture you are more likely to click, dark with only some shadows of something you can’t even name or well illuminated picture of item you can recognize even from small thumbnail? Use natural sunlight (golden hour before sunset is a great idea) or take picture with good flash or light (no, your iPhone led light isn’t enough in many cases). It’s proven that people will more likely choose lighter pictures.
  • choose a nice background – if you want to sell something, you can’t put it on the ground and just take picture. Use background that fit to your brand and item. Some products looks good in natural backgrounds like wood and even fresh cutted grass, some looks better with one color background and some with both kinds of background.
  • consider if you really should use filters – in many cases filters will make your picture less accurate and your followers may think that you want to hide something.
  • put price tag or link to your website – it depends on your strategy, but more exclusive and expensive products need some more sophisticated strategy. If you sell more expensive goods, maybe it’s better to put link. People will open your site, watch full gallery and descriptions and are more likely to buy. That’s my opinion and observations. But if you’re selling goods in best prices, you should put your price tag and link straight to this product.
  • use hashtags which best describe your product and brand – you can use more hashtags than on twitter, use lots of them if you want to gain new followers, but don’t too much. I won’t tell you how much, but putting only hashtags in descritpion isn’t good idea. Putting hashtags which don’t describe your product or these which are dedicated mainly for teenagers selfies probably won’t make people happy and treating you like serious brand.
  • use tags of places and people on your picture – tag your companys HQ or any other place. People like to know where picture was taken. If you use models, for sure tag them all! Your models when uploading pictures with your products should do this also. Anybody who follow your model will see your products. It’s win-win deal.
  • renspond to comments and engage – if people like your page and comment, ask questions, the best you can do is to answer and engage!

Make your profile outstanding

Good pictures will make this task easier, but you still need some strategy. Putting pictures on instagram when you are a big brand or small manufacture should be considered well. See what you can change for better:

  • choose good instagram name – the shortest name isn’t always good thing, use name of your brand and you can add name of items you’re selling. For example merida_bikes. Brand and product. If you have the same Twitter and Instagram name – thats really cool and help move your followers to Twitter.
  • use good avatar – avatar on instagram is small, but can be well recognized by the users. Use short name or your best product picture. Be unique!
  • post pictures related to your brand – you don’t have to put only pictures of your products, put also picture of beach or palms when you selling swimsuits or mountains covered with snow when you want to make people wish your snowboards 🙂
  • make some contests and giveaways – people love to win something. You can link to contest onyour website or just ask to comment and like. Pictures with the biggest amount of likes are in ‘explore’ tab. Remember that!
  • encourage people to like and comments – you can also ask questions on Instagram, like “Where would you like to spend your holidays?” and include great picture from Hawaii. Ask them about your products and encourage them to ‘double tap’ (shortcut to like). Call to action is need of every social network!

I hope you enjoyed this article and found my advices useful. Use them connected with your strategy and maximze your leads from Instagram.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.