Mistakes to be avoided by Beginners on Social Media

Beginners who are new to the field tend to make a lot of mistakes when it comes to social media. By avoiding these mistakes, they can save money and time and also avoid frustration in the future. Not only this, by implementing the best network plans, you can gain success and achieve good results. Listed below are some of the ten mistakes that one should avoid when using social media for marketing purposes.

Using Only One Social Networking Site

Facebook is the only word that comes to people’s mind when they think about social media. What they tend to forget is that Facebook is not the only social networking site and there are many other sites that can be used. When it comes to developing business, you must choose from other sites such as Google+, YouTube, MySpace, LinkedIn, and more. Using these networking sites, you can easily capture your target audience and promote your business.

Avoid Using Many Social Networking Sites

Instead of using just Facebook or any other social media platform, some people use too many platforms in an urge to develop their business quickly. This is something that should be avoided as you cannot concentrate on all the sites at the same time and engage with different target audience. If you are trying to implement this method, you will be facing problems in future as some of the sites will suffer along with the forums, posts and content you share. Try choosing one or two networks and concentrate entirely on them for developing your business. If you want your business to thrive, you must focus mainly on quality than quantity.

Forgetting to Add Social Media Icons

Audience use social media icons to share content or join social networking sites. Keeping this in mind, you must add social media buttons in your front page or other easy-to-spot areas in your blog and website.

Sharing Only Your Content

Most of the bloggers do this mistake of sharing their own content on their website. This will not lead to any development in the business as you need support and help from other businesses too. If you want to build your online presence, then is it essential that you share content of other bloggers on your site. This will help your target audience get reliable and interesting information.

Refusing to Follow Back

Bloggers often refuse to follow back people who are already following their site and finally end up losing them. Some will not come back to your site and therefore you will face low traffic and lead conversions. Even though it is not a standard rule to follow back people, it is still important to lure in customers to your site.

Confusing a Business Profile with a Personal Profile

Almost all the social networking sites have individual pages for both personal and business profiles. You will have to create a personal profile in social networking sites such as Google+ and Facebook for creating a business profile. There are also social networking sites such as Pinterest and Twitter that does not require a personal profile to start a business profile. You may use any social networking site of your choice, but make sure that you use only your business profile instead of personal profile.

Not Engaging the Audience

Engaging your target audience is an important factor that you must not forget as without customers you cannot develop your site. You must constantly communicate with your customers and share your thoughts with them about your brands and products. This will boost them to visit your site frequently and also share the information with others using social media platforms.

Not All Followers See All That You Post

This is another issue that has to be addressed when it comes to posting on social networking sites. For example, let us consider that you have around 2000 Facebook followers. You are posting something on your timeline be it a product launch or any other valuable information. You may think that all the followers will be able to view the post in your timeline, but in reality it will not be so. Only 10 to 20 percent of your followers will be able to see the things you post on your timeline whereas the remaining followers will not be able to view the post. Keeping this in mind, you must choose alternate ways to post blogs so that all the followers can view the information.

Your Posts are Dull and Uninteresting

The content that you share on your site must be interesting to read and must also contain attractive images. Posts that have interesting images and content tend to get more tweets, G+, pins and shares than the posts that do not contain images. So it is important that you add attractive images to your blog post to lure in customers and get good rankings.

You don’t use Hash tags

If you use hash tags in your site, it will help people to share things about particular topics. For example, if you are posting the results of an NBA final game on your site using hash tag, it will be easy for people to view it. Anyone who searches for the specified keyword using hash tag will be able to visit your site and get the required information.



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