How To Keep Your Employees Feeling Like A Team

By Marketme | 27th September 2024

You will obviously always want to make sure you are getting as much out of your employees as you can, and there are actually a few ways in which you might be able to achieve that. The truth is that it is easier than you might think, but mostly it comes down to making sure…

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Yuri Milner’s Vision for Humanity in Eureka Manifesto

By Marketme | 26th September 2024

In 2021, billionaire Yuri Milner released his first book: Eureka Manifesto: The Mission for Our Civilisation. His compelling non-fiction work explores the quest for understanding and offers a new perspective on science, artificial intelligence (AI), and humanity’s future. Humanity’s Mission Primarily, Eureka Manifesto is about Milner’s conviction that humanity needs a mission. Many organisations have…

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Five Reasons to Call a Business Consultant

By Marketme | 25th September 2024

As a business owner, there’s every chance that you are extremely busy. The pressures that you are facing trying to get your business off the ground and into a place of success are heavy. And whether you are starting, taking over or managing a business, it’s a complex thing to do. You’re often forced to…

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5 Ways To Make Getting A New Job Easier

By Marketme | 6th March 2024

At some point or another, most people consider looking for a new job. It offers more than a few benefits, like: Offering a more interesting career path Paying better Being more challenging Getting away from subpar management That doesn’t make it easy, however. It can be a long and complicated process. If you know what…

Top 7 Reasons We Need Plastic Packaging

By Marketme | 4th March 2024

Plastics are used in a variety of food packaging and storage containers because they are very effective and efficient in protecting goods from harm, ensuring their safety, and extending their freshness. Furthermore, these items help to reduce weight during transportation, which results in fuel savings and lower greenhouse gas emissions. While irresponsible usage of these…

Effectively managing device limitations and requirements in push notifications vs in app notifications

By Marketme | 4th March 2024

Developers face a maze of device-specific constraints and needs when delivering alerts to mobile devices. There are two main ways developers may interact with users: push notifications and in-app notifications (visit to learn more). Each has its own pros and downsides. Optimizing notification delivery and user experience is the focus of this article, which…

How to Create a Productive Office

By Marketme | 28th February 2024

Productivity is spoken about a lot in business. Most companies are constantly chasing their tails to improve productivity. But often, all the efforts they make fail to deliver results. There’s so many reasons that productivity can be low. So, token incentives and attempts to ‘rally the troops’ are often ineffective. After all, no one can…

How Technology Helps Businesses Optimise Their Profits

By Marketme | 28th February 2024

In today’s business landscape, technology plays an incredibly important role in helping businesses optimise their profits. There are many different tools and technological solutions that can provide businesses with a better understanding of how their business operates, and this information can be used to reduce costs, be more efficient, and potentially even unlock new revenue…

Why Does No One Want To Work In Your Warehouse?

By Marketme | 28th February 2024

Do you struggle to fill warehouse roles within your company? Do your warehouse workers jump to office jobs as soon as one becomes available? If yes, then it’s a sure sign that something’s going wrong in your warehouse. But, what? Admittedly, the workplace warehouse is a pretty hard employment sale – warehouses typically involve strenuous…

From Blueprint to Reality: A Guide to Successful Business Central Implementation

By Marketme | 27th February 2024

In the high-speed universe of business, associations are continually looking for ways of smoothing out activities, upgrade effectiveness, and remain in front of the opposition. One strong arrangement that has acquired far and wide notoriety is Microsoft Elements 365 Business Central – an across the board business the executives arrangement intended to assist organizations with…

How to Make Your Employees Comfortable at Work

By Marketme | 26th February 2024

The world of work has completely changed since the pandemic, with more people working remotely than ever before. However, there are still groups of employees who have to go into the office, and it’s these employees we should be thinking about when it comes to comfort. People want to feel satisfied in their jobs, but…

Why SaaS SEO Agencies Matter for Boosting Online Traffic and Growth

By Marketme | 26th February 2024

With the ever growing increase in digital marketing, all businesses are shifting their brands to online platforms, building their websites on popular search engines, and integrating them with social sites. Then why will companies like Saas refrain from this move as their business lies on the internet and online platforms? SaaS SEO agencies take significant…

Easy Ways to Increase the Value of your Home

By Marketme | 22nd February 2024

Do you feel as though your home isn’t as valuable as it could be? If so then now is the time for you to make a change. If you don’t make a change now then your home’s value could go on to decline, which is the last thing you want. Add an Extension One thing…

How to Successfully Rebrand in 5 Easy Steps

By Marketme | 22nd February 2024

It can be quite a challenge to successfully rebrand, and there have been some notable disasters. However, keeping it simple usually helps. Changing the logo and informing people of the reasons for a rebrand must be taken seriously if you are to get through a challenging time. Plan the Project as Well as Possible Planning…