Social Media Management for Estate Agents – Does it improve Lead Generation?

Social Media for Estate Agents is still very much a sensitive topic with many arguing the case for and against and many more simply sitting on the fence. Recently, Zoopla released their ZPP100 list which tracks the most influencial Estate Agencies and property professionals in the industry using Twitter and Facebook – Is this another push towards a stronger presence from most estate agents using social networking platforms in the near future?

Lead Generation from Social Media?

Most estate agents will advertise in local newspapers, pay for SEO to improve their Google ranking, sign up to property portals such as RightMove and Zoopla as well as paying for extras such as premium listings. Why is Social Media not seen in the same light as it allows for:

  • Building and maintaining a localised target audience.
  • Instant communication with potential customers.
  • Educating and Entertaining potential customers.
  • Allows agencies to receive feedback on their service / office.

Can you imagine having a target audience that follows your marketing business platforms such as Twitter and Facebook and them being active and reachable almost at any time and location of the day. Your messages could be read by potential customers on the train, in their offices, on lunch breaks, in the car, on holiday and much more – No more relying on people to search Google, no more email mailshoots, newsletters or leaflets?

In time, nearly all businesses internationally will have embraced Social Media and those that were active and successful at it’s early stages will be those that have and continue to gain the best results.

So, can Twitter really build lead generation? Yes as more and more of the public have mobile internet access and use social media platforms as an initial place to receive latest news, offers and communications with brands / people that they follow.



Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.