Social Media strategy for business.

A recent report by “Catalogues 4 Business” (C4B) found that 32% of firms are yet to embrace social media such as the standard platforms of Facebook and Twitter. This is a good figure for those businesses that are currently embracing Social Media as it opens up a gap in the market! Another surprising figure is that of the two thirds that are embracing Social Media, strategy is still a big issue with companies when posting updates and comments – Most are simply randomly attempting to engage with other users and are failing miserably.

According to recent research conducted by Constant Contact, it is stated that over 50% of small businesses need help with correct and successful Social Media Management. A Social Media Strategy is as vital as a Social Media presence, there is simply no point in having merely a presence, you need to have a live and active audience who are entertained, educated and engaged by your daily updates… This will lead on line users to your website directly and also encourage sharing where you are able to reach the networks of the network following you. Key elements to a successful and planned strategy for Social Media includes:

  • Initially set out your objectives for your Social Media Campaign.
  • Know your target audience as well as how they interact and where they are interacting.
  • Research and converse your key topics and themes you are going to share – Become known as the guru for your sector for releasing engaging and relevant content.
  • Set aside time – In fact set slots within your default diary to maintain on a daily basis your Social Media accounts. Release content daily.
  • Build your existing marketing avenues around Social Media – Make sure your website is active for sharing / liking. Include social media buttons within emails / newletters.
  • Be focused on your Social Media endeavours. Treat Social Media as important as your website traffic / Search Engine ranking. Monitor progress you are making, see what is working and when it is working.





Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.