Successful #SocialMedia marketing campaigns.

“Social media marketing success is founded on social media engagement.”

Once you have discovered Social Media marketing you soon realise the complexity of trying to acquire engagement and interaction ~ There is obviously no point being present on the likes of Twitter and Facebook just so that you can have the ‘connect with us’ logos on your website. The ability to extract the benefits is to realise sooner than later that it is not a case or pre-planning your social media engagement, you have to daily predict what your social community will comment on and share, what the latest news is within your industry that might be trending thus allowing for interaction towards your brand and products. You have to work hard and do so on a daily basis to inspire social media engagement within your target community, study the most popular times of day that are active and the productivity in gaining web traffic and acknowledgement pending style and content of your social updates.

  • Many businesses make the mistake of just posting social media updates randomly, with no consideration towards the exact return on investment these social media activities bring to their company. They do not monitor the web traffic their efforts receive and they even do not monitor the responses on the actual social media channels themselves with comments and questions sometimes not responded to.
  • Not long ago, a good social media campaign meant simply letting people know you were on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. Over the past few years, that’s changed dramatically, the competition across Social Media channels is immense and simply a weak or non participating presence will get you no ROI.
  • Consistency. Like everything else in marketing, consistency to your brands presence across Social Media channels is vital and a professional profile is often overlooked. People need to feel they are following the ‘genuine article’ who have taken time to present themselves correctly.
  • Make sure you understand that Videos and YouTube is still part of Social Media. Incorporating video(s) into your Social Media marketing strategy can allow you to simplify the delivery of your content and allow viewers to understand your brands personality / team. It will enhance your SEO and boost your search engine ranking. Facts from detailed surveys show that online visitors are much more likely to view a video compared to reading written content.


Marketme is a leading small business to small business news, marketing advice and product review website. Supporting business across the UK with sponsored article submissions and promotions to a community of over 50,000 on Twitter.