Twitter tools part 1: Manage and know your followers.

Twitter is great, you can have lots of followers and follow lots of people. You can share content with them and engage. But wait, do you take care of everything? Do you still know who you follow and why? I think you don’t know, because it’s usually growing so fast. You tweet for a few months and realize that have hundreds or yet thousands of followers. How to manage it?

I will show you some free tools to know better your followers and manage them. Let me also share with you some important thoughts about Twitter followers.

1. Tweepi – follow and unfollow.

This simple, but great tool have lots of important features. You have to use it if your followers ratio is wrong – you following lot of people, but only a few percent of them following you back. With Tweepi you can:

  • ‘Flush’ people who are not following you back. Think about great personalities who won’t follow you back and people you want to follow because of the great content they share. Don’t react like – “You don’t follow me so I will unfollow you”. It doesn’t work that. Not everyone has to follow you back.
  • Follow people who follow you. That work similar. I don’t recommend to follow back everyone just because they follow you. If you have some time, simply check information about tweep. I know it’s hard because of big amounts. Be aware of the descriptions. Do you want to follow bots and spammers? Having lot of followers is nice. But only REAL followers will give you engagement.
  • Clean your stream. This tool will simply show you all followers. Why you need this? You can do this on Twitter, but Tweepi will show you information about last tweet and amount of followers, which is important to decide who unfollow because of inactive account. You can sort your followers by followers, last tweet and location.
  • Follow new people. You can follow someone’s followers, follow people that person follows, paste&analize list of followers or follow all people on twitter list.

and some more premium features. As you see this tool will help you to manage your followers and people you are following.

2. Twitonomy – who’s your best friend?

Autonomy is also a great tool. You should even check it first, before you unfollow someone. This tool will show you:

  • Users most reweeted by you,
  • Users most replied to,
  • Users most mentioned by you,
  • Who mentioned you,
  • Manage lists you created,
  • Your followers and following that you can follow/unfollow.

All this informations clearly and simply presented in boxes and charts. You will love that tool. Twitonomy will also show you other stats about the way you tweet, how your tweets have been favorited, retweeted and many useful features, but lets focus on followers in this part.

3. FollowerwonkAnalize and know your audience.

This tool is really powerful. You can compare twitter users by followers and followings, track your followers that means see new followers and lost followers chart (premium account), sort your followers by their followers, followings, days old (but to remove or follow you have to buy premium) and what’s the best analyze followers!

Followerwonk will create for you lot of important informations about your followers and following and present your data on simple and beautiful charts. Knowing your followers is important to set your social media strategy. Here’s what you will get (both for followers and following):

  • Map of locations – where are they from?
  • Most active hours compared to your most active hours – when it is the best time to tweet?
  • Social influence,
  • Gender, age and language,
  • Follower/following counts,
  • Recencies of tweets,
  • Total tweets,

and more statistics. You can save your report (partially in free account). The better you know your audience the best results you will achieve! Set your tweeting hours when your followers are most active. I just discovered that one of my followers has over 1 million followers 😉

I hope you found this article useful. In the next part I will show you how to schedule your posts if you can’t tweet personally.


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