Search Results: diy

Is DIY Property Management Right for You? Assessing Your Options

25th July 2024

In the realm of property management, landlords often face the critical decision of whether to opt for professional management services or take on the responsibility themselves. DIY property management can be enticing, offering potential cost savings and a hands-on approach. However, it also demands time, effort, and expertise that not all landlords possess. So, is…

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Avoiding Common Mistakes in DIY Property Management: A Guide for Homeowners in Winchester

25th July 2024

Owning property can be a rewarding investment, but it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities. For homeowners in Winchester, managing their properties efficiently is crucial for maintaining their value and ensuring tenant satisfaction. While some may opt for professional property management services, many choose the do-it-yourself (DIY) route to save costs. However, DIY…

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4 Reasons Why DIY Websites are Generally a Bad Idea

2nd October 2021

New business owners have the choice of either paying to have a professional website built for them or building one themselves using one of the various tools that are available on the market. While these can sometimes do a decent job, they are not the best option for most. They will usually have issues that…

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3 Reasons Why You Should Never DIY Your Business Logo

23rd September 2021

When you are setting up a business, keeping your costs down is always a priority. So, you’ll constantly be looking for things that you can do yourself instead of paying people. That’s good practice, but you need to know where to draw the line. For example, you can run your own social media pages as…

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Simple Ways To DIY A Great Office

18th November 2019

There are a lot of differences between owning a home and an office space. When you buy your home for the first time the main thing you’ll aim to do is make the space feel like your own. When you buy an office space though, the focus will be on making it feel comfortable and…

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The DIY Aesthetic: A Model To Follow?

22nd March 2017

The Do It Yourself aesthetic is a very appealing one to many small companies. The British indie record labels of the early 1980’s like Factory or Rough Trade seemed to thrive on the small-scale “let’s all chip in” method to working. And with all modern independent record labels now, they consist of being home-run businesses,…

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4 Eco-Friendly Moves Your Small Business Can Make Before Winter

19th June 2024

As you already know, you’ll have to do what you can in order to prepare your business for winter weather; this might include working with a company that can salt your car park, maybe snow shovelers, or even preparing in other ways (such as employee flexibility. But whatever it is, it’s always a smart business…

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The Secret Sauce to a Successful Yard Sale

1st May 2024

When you think of yard sales, you might picture tables laden with forgotten treasures and signs pointing bargain hunters your way. But what if we could kick it up a notch? Let’s explore some out-of-the-box ideas that make your yard sale the talk of the town. We’re not just talking about slapping price tags on…

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Could Your Will Be Contested After Your Death?

7th April 2024

When we write our wills, we don’t do so envisioning a largescale rift opening up between family members – accusations or disagreements causing permanent changes to that dynamic we spent our entire lives cultivating. Unfortunately, will writing is a very complex area – families who stay strong even during turbulent times can meet their match…

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What Can Medical Private Practices Do to Safeguard Their Business?

13th March 2024

Like all other businesses, large and small in other industries, even private practices come with their own set of major challenges. You can count on a few things, including regulatory compliance, financial risks, and patient safety concerns. Basically, whatever big medical corporations are having to deal with, the little guy has to deal with it,…

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8 Great Ways To Transform Your Car’s Exterior

22nd February 2024

Your car’s appearance should match your taste and personality. Some car owners love to maintain the natural state of their vehicles, while other users prefer to spice things up by customising their rides. The exterior is one effective area to modify your vehicle and make it look more attractive. Thankfully, this project doesn’t have to…

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The Ultimate Guide To Upgrading Property Value

2nd February 2024

Are you interested in selling your home for the best possible price? If so, then you need to think about the key ways that you can increase the value. There are lots of options to explore here so let’s dive in and before we tell you how to increase the value, we’ll discuss some of…

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